G is Back!

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Hello friends! Guess who is on Christmas break? Me! Ahhh, 3 weeks to sit back a relax.

So, I gave all of my friends a present. And, on the tag it says "Don't open until Christmas". Do you know how mad they got? Did they really think that I would give them a present that they could open early? Nope. They did not appreciate it. Mwahahaha. I have power. 

You know what my favorite thing about no school is? I get to sleep in. I am so proud because I slept in to 9 today :) You might think that it is early, but when you wake up at 5 every morning, 9 is like heaven. It felt good.

I also made these really good cookies. They had a rolo inside of them. Molly ate like 10. They were good. It was a chocolate cookie mix wrapped around a rolo with sugar on top. Major YUM! 

You know what I want for Christmas? 'Casue I really don't. I want books and cloths but I'm not sure about anything else. Just give me a week and I'll come up with a 50 item list. 

You know what I enjoy? Being right. If I could, I would ensure that I am right about everything. Heck, I am right about everything. Everything. 

I am smart. It feels good being the smart one out of my friends. Then I have those blonde moments where I think 'why?' Like the electric fence story. Hee hee. 

"Man, it is so early!" I yawned to my dad as I stepped out of his truck and walked to get my boots from the back. I slipped off my shoes and slipped on the green rubber boots. They can a bunch of animal crap on them and to say the least, they stunk. 

"Come on Chickie," dad says using my nickname, "lets get going so you can get to school on time." 

I sighed and followed him to the go cart thing. He let me drive and I drove to the pigs barn. We got out and walked to the barn doors. As Dad opened them up, a cute little pig got my attention. This pig was outside in an enclosed fence. So, being my smart self, I walked up and placed my hands on the fence. After a couple of seconds, a sudden shock rang through my body. It didn't hurt but I felt it. Not thinking anything of it, I kept my hands on the fence. After getting shocked about four times I asked my dad what was wrong. 

"Graycen, that's an electric fence" 

Aren't I smart?

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