Molly: Boys, Virginity, and Love

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Hiya guys! Been a long time scince I have updated on this story :P So my loves, I would like to talk about boys, virginity, and love.

So I will awnser some questions I've ever asked or heard.


Okay boys. To me boys cause less drama and it's easy to know what they oftenly think about. Heck, two of my best friends are boys. Now firstly, boys think about alot of things but alot of it is thought diffrently than girls seem to think. Now, yes they think about sex and yes some will say they don't but they do. Trust me, I've asked. 

Boys are easy to please. Just be yourself. They HATE fakers, but who doesn't? Now from what I do and I have learned, learn about them. Here are some tips you should take into concideration

1. Up front I will tell you that boys do not want to hear your complaints all the time. This is what you have girl friends for. You can tell them some of your problems, just don't be whiney about them.

2. Boys like food. If you don't know how to cook, know some good restraunts and maybe watch food channel and pick up a few things from watching it! Even go online and learn! I promise, they will help out alot!

3. They like sex. If they bring it up and you don't want to talk about it, don't beat around the bush. Tell them straight up that subject doesn't apeal to you and that it makes you uncomfortable. They will stop, unless they are stupid and despret.

4. Boys like jokes. They will tell you jokes that they think are funny. Don't be like hahaha, tell them you dont understand the joke if you don't. It's okay if you don't. They will explain it to you if you don't. It's okay.

5. Do Not Talk About Periods! This gives them the right to talk about masterbation. Trust me, it's not worth it. Just tell your girl friends about that!

6. If you like a boy, tell him. Boys are not girls. They won't be able to take the hints you are leaving. Just be like "Hey So-So! I like you!" Chances are, he will probably like you back.

7. Don't be scared to talk about sex with a guy. They will probably bring it up any way. Unless you are completely shaken by the subject of sex, don't be scared. They know what they are talking about.

8. Take these tips. They will help. Being yourself is the key with boys. They are straight up and they expect you to be straight up too. 


So love is something that has a lot of meaning behind it. I believe love is something that you feel when you see family, or when you see someone for who they truely are, not for who they are not. I also think love is precious. Not everyone gets it, or gives it. 

With love, there are diffrent types. Family love is diffrent that friend love and that's diffrent from relationship love. 

1. Family love- This love is what makes you feel safe when you are with your family. Or it is what makes you relieze the world isn't always bad. My family is really close on my mom's side. We show eachother affection with listening ears and a lot of hugs and talks about diffrent things. We are open  to talk about anything.

2. Friend love- This is the type of love that you get when your friends push you down the stairs, or when they tell your crush that you are inlove with them. Gosh knows what in the world you do to get back at them. And the truth is, sometimes this love gets you closer to your friends, than your own flesh and blood. 

3. Relationship love- This love is the thing that makes your heart race when you see them or when their name flashes on your phone. This oftenly has you to have mixed emotions and alot of doubt about things. Trust me, this love can make you hurt and feel like you could fly all in about five minutes. 


So, when is the right time to lose it? Well for some it is when you think you are ready to give yourself to someone, other times it's when you are married. To me it means all of the above. Personaly, I think that if I really love someone and they love me too then there is a chance that I will give myself to them. That or if I want to save myself until I am married to someone I will be with forever. Both could end bad, or end wonderfully. 

For me, mine is not something I will give up that easily. I would like to keep it for as long as possible, or until I think I meet my Mr. Right. Of course that will take years to have. So I think I can wait a bit longer. 

Ladies, not all girls that are no longer a virgin are sluts and not all virgins are saints. So honey, don't judge someone soley on that. 

I have heard many things. I have heard that it will hurt really bad your first time, but I have also heard that if you do some certain things, it won't. It is all depends on who you are. I have done some research and found that that little thing that breaks has no nerve endings. It just bleeds. It hurts because you are using muscles you have never used before and it is pretty much stretching those muscels. 

Some say that if you get in the right position, it won't so much. But as I read before and I quote "If it hurt as bad as some say, there would be a lot more virgins around." 

I am not saying that you should go around and start having sex. I am saying that you should wait for a proper time and place to do it. Do it with someone you plan on being with the rest of your life. I sure as heck want to be able to say that I lost my virignity to my husband when I get old and married. 

Just remember, if you do plan to do so use protection and ask your partner to take an H.I.V. test as well as an S.T.D one. protection does not always work and condoms do break. 


So I know that this really isn't a life experience ordeal, but I think you guys should be edjucated on the subjects. If you want to ask me a question, go to my profile ToriPickles and inbox me. Hopefully G will have a few words of wisdom soon ;) love you guys!

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