Discipitions of us

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I guess you could call me lucky. I mean I'm not popular but I have the best of friends. They keep me in line and tell me the truth... Most of the time. They are my shoulder to cry on, my rock to hold onto, and most of all... they are my very reason to keep going. I guess, I am lucky. 

I never thought I was pretty. Why? I just don't see it.  I could sum myself up in three words, same yet diffrent. 

But my friends you ask? Oh there arn't enough words to describe them. Firstly there's Ash, she is so pretty and thinks highly of us. She is most likely our groups go to person. She is where we all go for advice. She has been through it all almost.

Then there's Graycen. She has to be the most wonderful person in the world. I would kill for hair like hers but she likes wavy hair that falls just right, not curly hair. She is probably the person to go to for anything of the obvise. She seems to know all our problems. The list goes on and on.

There's also Kelly, She sometimes is a bit loud, but we all love her dearly. She seems to live in her own world, but she always knows what to say to us when we are down in the dumps. She is also our dancer and our creative person. She loves to sing too.

Hope is our tall girl that you can count on to be there at some funny moments in your life. She also is diffrent but yet she keeps us so happy. She is quite at times but then she is really loud. You wouldn't believe how loud a tiny thing like her can get.

Haily is smart and very christain like. She causes us to laugh at things she doesn't understand, because her mind isn't as corrupted as ours. She is prehaps one of the smartest people in our school and she has the prettiest voice you ever did hear.

There's also Bently. He is our favorite tall person... prehaps one of my favorite people. He takes things lightly and he loves to tell jokes. He also loves to just take things unseriously and at time, I need him to be serious. But we still love him nether less.

Then there's me. The one that seem to just be there. Who just so happens belongs to this group of amazing people. I guess I'm just the average joe but I like it. I just wish sometimes I was special like them. But hey, I can do whatever some day and then can be the smartest people around yeah?

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