Breaking the Rules But in a good way

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It was the early afternoon the next day and the penitentiary had gone plain quiet and it wasn't a good quiet, it was a super boring quiet. That's least how Jade put it in her own words. Joni had the girls explore the prison to cruise around for a while cause they had nothing else to do and had already broken their rocks.

Jade was just walking around with one hand in her pocket, her straight-ish hair was down from its too tight ponytail. That's when she comes across a tall brown-gray shed in the corner of the prison.

Jade💭: That's weuhrd, why would a shed like this be in thuh corner awf a prison?

Getting an idea, Jade walks towards the shed and picks up a nearby rock then smashes the lock wrapped around the door. She pushes the woody door open just to let out a storm of dust as she coughs it away wafting her hand.

Jade's brown eyes widened when the shed was filled with many boxes and so many abandoned stuff that people didn't use.

Jade💭: Ah kay-yun't believe peabody locked all thayse thin's uhp! what kahnd awf prison does 'e cut duhrt? a rocky sweathouse?!

Jade kept looking around the shed amazed and shocked by all the things in the shed that Peabody had locked up. That's when she noticed a soccer ball on the right side of a box and picks it up.

Jade: Cool! a soccer bahwl

Jade💭: Ah wonder ifin' thuh me-yn in this prison ahr athletic

Jade walks out of the shed, closes the door and whistles innocently, as if she's done nothing bad, while holds the soccer ball in her hand. Then she notices 4 men looking bored and she gets an idea.

Jade: Hey ya fowar

The four men look up at Jade holding a soccer ball.

Jade: Y'ahwl wanna puh-lay ball?

Prisoners: Yeah

Jade: *smirks* Okay git ready cause ah'm not goin' easy awn ya boys

The prisoners look at Jade with a surprised but confident look as Jade places the ball in front of her and starts to dribble it around making the boys play along. One guy tries to steal the ball but Jade easily stops him with her arm and continues to dribble across the dirt.

Another boy glares and runs down also trying to catch the ball so Jade comes closer to that prisoner, then when he went for the ball Jade does a dodge maneuver causing that prisoner to trip.

Jade: *between laughs* Nahce try buddy

The athletic cowgirl is now dribbling towards the goal and already had a game plan. She dodge maneuvers past two other boys and shoots a game winning kick towards the goal and the ball flies to the right side of the goal net scoring a goal.

Jade: Goal! whoo hoo yeah!

As Jade is cheering she suddenly hears a loud whistle in the back. She turns around and sees a man about her height and the same color of eyes and hair as her. The two stare at each other for a second before Jade picks up the ball and walks towards the man.

Jack: That was really impressive for a woman

Jade: Thank ya, ya into sports too?

Jack: Yeah I am... where did you get that soccer ball anyway?

Jade: Ah don't have a tail feather left ina shed an stole it

Jack: Wow

Jade: That remahnds me, ya gawt a nuh-ame?

Jack: *holds out hand* I'm Jack and yours?

Jade: *shakes Jack's hand* Ah'm Jade

Jack: Are you a Dalton?

Jade: Yeah how'd ya guess?

Jack: Well because you're the same height as me

Jade: Oh yeah ah kay-yun see it

The two prisoners eyeball each other for a little running out of things to talk about at the moment until Jack started to break the silence.

Jack: So would you like to get a snack?

Jade: Uhh yeah that'd be nahce

For the rest of the day Jack and Jade had spend some time together, gotten to know each other only to have Jack fall for the silly yet loud cowgirl.

A/N: Sorry if the ending was kind of lame, I didn't know what else to put here

The Daltons Cowboys and Cowgirls: One Wild Ride (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now