Welcome to Nevada

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By the time the sun was setting, the girls made it safely in Nevada. Joni was the first one to wake up and look out the window of the wagon to see their Grandpa Garret's farm. She gave a small smile and started to shake the others awake.

Joni: Y'all wake up we made it!

The others groaned, looked out the window of the wagon and saw Garret's barn. They started cheering as they all hopped out of the wagon as the man driving grabbed the girl's luggage.

Garret: Howdy my grand girls!!!

Garret ruffles Joni's hair making her laugh, gives a fist bump to Jade, then hugs Willow and Avery.

Jade: It's good ta see ya too grandpa!

Garret: Ah heard about what happened, how do ya girls feel?

Avery: Ah miss home

Willow pats Avery's back to confront her. For the rest of the morning, the girls unpacked into the bedroom they shared at the barn. That's when Avery comes across an old toy like box.

Avery: Hey y'all look at this!

Joni was the first one to walk over to Avery and help her open the box. It was full of old toys and things they kept. The girls gasp in happiness as Joni and Jade pull out two black top hats.

Joni: Good ole Garret, look at how 'e kept our favorite toys!

Jade: There's some carin' in him after all

Willow: We still need t' be careful, we all know how grandpa can be

The girls all nod and that's when Avery yawns. They have been traveling the whole day after all.

Joni: Alright come on let's call it a night

The others start to yawn as well. They all climb in the bed that they share at Garret's house and cover themselves up with the blanket. With that the girls fell asleep ready to start another day in Nevada.


It was the crack of dawn. The girls were still in deep sleeps on the bed all in different positions. Joni had her left arm going down and her right going up slightly drooling on her pillow. Jade was on her side with one hand under the pillow. Willow was on her stomach, her hair a frizzy mess, and both arms under her pillow. Finally Avery was on her back sucking her thumb.

That's when Garret slowly opens the door taking a peak at the sleeping girls. He blushes on how cute and peaceful they all looked and that's when he walked in and flicked on the light.

Garret: Rise and shine! Ya four got a day ahead of ya

The four groaned in response and slowly started to get up to get ready for the day. After they fixed their hair and got dressed, they headed downstairs smelling fresh waffles. Garret has always made the best waffles.

At the table, Avery was the first one to start eating and Joni was the last one to finish. For the rest of the day the girls were doing their own things. Joni was helping Garret on the farm, Jade and Avery were in their bedroom finishing up Jade's new song, and finally Willow was in the garage working on the tractor.

By late afternoon the cowgirls decided to go into town for a little while.

Joni: Hey grandpa we're goin' ta town for a while

Garret: Be back by sunset

Willow: We will

Jade: What town are we goin' t' exactly?

Joni: Ah was thinking' we could stop by Quickstone. It's jus' the kind of loud ah love in the afternoon.

Avery: It's also the town with the best root beer

Willow: Alright let's do it! Ah have sumthin' t' give ya real quick

Willow takes 3 pocket knives and gives them to Joni, Jade and Avery keeping one of her own.

Jade: Pocket knives, smart thinking' Willow

Willow smiles as the girls kept walking into the town called Quickstone. They walk into the bar just to see everyone having a good time and as they walked even further there was one man who instantly recognized them.

Lawrence: Well butter mah biscuits and call me crazy! My favorite customers are finally back in town!

Jade: Ah got a new song for y'all everhoo

Lawrence was a man who was like a brother to the girls. He is a redhead with a big soul and owned the best bar in Nevada, he'd known the girls since they were 9 years old. They cared about each other deeply.

Lawrence: Well Jade whatcha waitin' for?! Go up there and play like ya used t!

Jade smiles and runs up to the stage with her guitar while Lawrence follows.

Lawrence: Alrighty folks please give it up for the guitar diva Jade Dalton

The crowd cheered louder as Jade took out her guitar and stood in front of the microphone. The bar always loved Jade's songs because they always got a party heated up.


The girls were having the best time of their lives. Drinking root beer, singing songs, playing games made them forget about the bad things that were happening right now.
But the fun had to end when Willow gathered up her sisters so they could get ready to leave(It wasn't easy Lol😂).

The girls made it home just in time for bed. Garret was proud of Willow for taking care of the girls needs so he let them stay up a little longer. But the girls were so sleepy they just ended up falling asleep as soon as they flopped in the bed.

Little did they all know trouble was again right around the corner.

The Daltons Cowboys and Cowgirls: One Wild Ride (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now