Epilogue - [Dangerous]

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Her parents were not thrilled. They did not like Meenu's decision to go after Seliaryn at all.

     However, both Lord and Lady Kyrus knew well that they couldn't stop her. She cared about him… and not only that but he had once done the unthinkable to protect her. They knew very well that Meenu would feel the need to owe him back.

     The only few consolations they had were the fact that Knight would be with her, Master Red had trained her well and deemed her worthy of being a warrior and also the thought that Seliaryn would hopefully not hurt her.

     But nonetheless, as horrible as it sounded, the two of them wished more than anything that she wouldn't find him.

     That would be the only way they could be sure she would be safe.

     Meenu tied her thick curls into a ponytail with not one, but three, thick pieces of ribbon. That was the only way it would stay up without falling out.

     And after changing into her loose black trousers, black calf length boots and her black coloured, sleeveless tunic, she was almost ready.

     She wrapped her belt, along with her sword and sheath around her waist and buckled her quiver around her. Then, she threw her bow over her shoulder and put her mask.

     Her parents gave her money in case she needed it for food... And that was it. They tried to give her a lot of other things, like actual food, medicine and other knick knacks that they thought would help her… but she could only fit a couple of things into the small pouches she wore around her belt.

     That was all the space she had because a bag would be hard to carry, especially with her bow already sitting over her shoulder.

     So Meenu just hugged them and told them not to worry.

     Of course she knew they would still worry. But at least she tried.

     And then she was off.

     She smiled as she left Amberdyse on her horse, Knight following closely behind her.

     She felt so confident.

     Confident enough to wish that Dukaryn was still alive so that she could try and deal with him herself.

     But of course, confidence could never be enough to deal with everything in their world.

     Avaryn was in a meeting with his council when Master Red came and interrupted. “I apologize for the interruption but the King... And the rest of you... Are needed in the courtyard.”

     Avaryn stood up, pleased that he could leave this boring meeting. They were discussing what to do to make the castle grounds look more welcoming… and frankly, as of that moment, Avaryn couldn’t care less about the aesthetics of the castle grounds.

     Besides, Light and Heart had left to follow Meenu… and really, the thought of her safety was all that he could really think of.

     “What's going on?” He asked Master Red as he followed him out.

     “You’ll find out in a moment.”

     Avaryn didn’t like the tone in Master Red’s voice. He sounded annoyed.

     That was never good.

     When they arrived at the courtyard, Avaryn was surprised by a mass of people standing on both sides of the yard, leaving a path in between that led to the castle gates.

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