Chapter 6 - [By Her Side]

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Hey everyone!!

Here is a long chapter for you all to make up for the long wait!! I'm so sorry about that! It's exam season and I completely lost track of the time since I last updated! DX

I hope you guys are enjoying so far and I was reading some of your comments from the last chapters and some of you are on the right track when it comes to the ring ;)

Also, I'm wondering: WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF LUMYRYN? I'm so curious to see how you feel about him! HEHE! Let me know!

See you in the next upload! And thanks as always for your wonderful patience! <3



Seliaryn’s body was getting sore from spending his days outside, so he finally decided to check into an Inn and rest there for a while.

     When he walked into the Inn that was bubbling with people, he walked straight to the front desk and dropped some gold coins. “I need a room.”

     The woman at the desk looked at him with a smile. “For how long?” She asked as her eyes looked down at the coins. “One gold coin lets you stay for a week… these are a lot of gold coins.”

     “I’ll stay as long as I need.” Seliaryn said. “If I stay longer then I’ll give you the money I owe.”

     The woman hesitated. “Okay,” she said, deciding not to ask questions. She pulled out a key and walked around the table. She guided him up to the third floor and unlocked the room for him. “There’s a bar that’s open all day and night downstairs, feel free to drop in when you like,” she smiled warmly, “we also serve meals there.”

     “Thank you.” Seliaryn said, taking the key from her.

     She nodded her head and closed the door for him.

     Seliaryn locked the door and removed his cloak. He tossed it over the chair that sat in front of a desk and sat down on the bed.

     He cracked his knuckles and let out a breath as he stared at the wall.

     It had been a long time since he’d been home.

     And for a long time, he’d been alone.

     All he could think of was how angry he was as he worked hard to ignore the emptiness inside him.

     He got up and threw the bed sheets over the one mirror that sat in the room.


     Because every time he looked in the mirror, he saw his father.

     He looked too much like him.

     And seeing that made it hard for him to think.

     He had heard the rumors.

     The rumors that his father killed King Kyryn.

     And he did everything he could to push those thoughts aside.

     He couldn’t believe it.

     He wouldn’t believe it.

     But the only thing thinking about it did to him was make him angrier.

     So he sat back on his bed and took a breath.

     Sleep. He thought. I need to sleep.

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