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It was 6 a.m. Your mom and dad were ready to go. You wake up and went to the kitchen to say your goodbye.

Y/n: Take care. Both of you.

Dad: Don't worry. I will protect your mother from monsters and bad guys.

Mom: I am so reliefed to hear that dear. Now, we will try to make it for your birthday but if we don't I guess we will give you our gift earlier.

Your mother said smiling. You were confused,  but excited too because you realized that your parents are going to give you your present. Your mom turned to you with a piece of cloth in her hands.

You took the cloth from her hands and let it cascade down. The cloth has the pentru of your height. You looked closed and you sad a hood. The cloth was red, really soft material and looked like your mother's.  It was a cape. It was exactly like your mother's cape.

Mom: When you were little you always liked to wear my cape, so I thought of giving you your own one.

Y/n:Thank you o much mom. I will cherish it.

You smiled greatfully and looked at your dad.

Dad: Well. What are you waiting for? Try it on.

You smiled and put the cape on. You close the casp the cape has and put the hood on your head. You made a piruette and looked at your parents.

Dad: You look exactly like your mother.

You were like a little copy of your mother when it comes to phisic but at the personality you were just like your father.

Y/n: Thanks dad. Thanks mom. I love the present.

Mom: We are glad honey. Now we need to leave.

Y/n: Ok. Take care.

Dad: We will. And remember, we will try to make it for your birthday.

Y/n: I can't doubt it.

They hunger you tight and then they left for your grandma's house. Your birthday dar 5 days away, and your grandma's house was 1 day away. That means that it was a chance for your parents to be back for your birthday.

You smiled at the thought and decided to take a walk in the forest to see how the cape is. You were walking for like a hour, and you decided it was the time to head back to home. When you were ready to go you heard a sound.

It was like a hurt animal. You couldn't bare the thought of an animal to be hurt so you headed to the source of the sound. You saw a little wolf with his paw under a big rock, trying to get it out. The wolf looked like a puppy.  You looked around carefully, looking if the puppy's mother was close.

You saw no other wolf near and you began to take careful steps to the little wolf. When you approched him he showed his theeth and stood in a position of attack.

You put your hands up in surrender and tried to calm the little puppy, showing vin that you are not a threat. He calmed down and started to wince in pain again.

Carefully you push the big rock off the little paw.  The little wolf started to cry in pain and you couldn't bare the sight in front of your eyes. You ripped a piece of cloth from your shirt and bandaged the paw.

Y/n: Done. Now go to your momma buddy.

The little wolf started to walk to a body that was laying down, like 5 meters away from you. It was a wolf. The little wolf got closer to it and started to lick it's head. You heard him wince again and you got a little closer.

You saw the wolf laying down, lifeless. You saw blood on it's grey furr. It was the little wolf's mother. It was clear that the lifeless wolf was shot by a hunter. You put your hand over the blood and you sened it was warm.

Y/n: Ok little guy. We need to leave. I can't let you here or the hunter will find you.

You took the little wolf in your hands and started to run to your home. When you got there, it was already dawn. You enetered in the house and put the little wolf down. You put your cape aside and looked at him. The puppy was skinny and surely was hungry.

Y/n: Hey buddy. I know it was a long day for you, but I want to make it better. How about giving you something to eat and a warm place to sleep?

You looked at him. His head was down and refused to look up at me. You got up and took 2 bowls. In a bowl you put a piece of meat and in other you purred some water. You put them in front of him and looked at him how he started to eat. You smiled at him and the started to prepare something for yourself.

After you finished you got the bowls from the puppy and washed them. You took the wolf in your arms and made your way to your room. You put him down and got to the closet and pulled out a blanket.

You put it down and put the little wolf on it.

Y/n: Ok buddy. This is going to be your bed next to mine. Now we need to find a name for you. How about fluffy?

The little wolf put his name down and put a paw over his eyes.

Y/n: Ok ok. I got the idea. How about Sleepy head?

You said smiling and looked at the puppy in front of you. He started to growl and straighten up.

Y/n: Ok ok. Don't bite me. How about Fang?

You said looking at his theeth. He calmed down and opened his mouth letting his tongue slide out.

Y/n: You like it? Well I am glad. Now it's time for bed Fang. Tomorrow we are going to walk so your paw is going to heal while you do some exercises.

You said smiling at your little wolf. He put his head down and made himself confortable. You changed your clothes and got in bed and slowly fell asleep.

After some time you heard winings and you woke up looking in the room. Your eyes fell on the little wolf that seemed to have a nightmare.

You took him in your hands and started to caress your hand through his furr. You took him in your bed and put the blanket over him.

Y/n: Good night Fang. Sweet dreams.

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