Chapter 1

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*****authors note- hey guys I'm glad your reading my book sorry it sounds young at first I was barely 15 when I wrote the first half of this but I'm so happy to have people read it... Please comment and vote if you like it!

Copyright 2013

I dare you to move 

I dare you to move 

I dare you to lift 

Yourself up off the floor 

I dare you to move 

I dare you to move 

Like today never happened 

Today never happened before

This was the song that ran over and over in my head. Instead of saying move, I had always thought of it as run. It made more sense than move. Running applied to me more. I dare you to run, I dare you to run, I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor, I dare you to run, I dare you to run, like today never happened, today never happened before. Why didn't I just run? Just leave this town and never come back. I didn't want to be here. I didn't have any ties here. Besides my parents who were never home anyway, I didn't have any reason to stay. The bruises on my ribs and my arms didn't want me to stay. I had enough money to go, so why didn't I? Easy answer, my brother.

I had wondered what it would be like to leave and never come back. Never have to hide behind my clothes. Never have to wonder where my parents were. I couldn't leave my brother behind. He would not be ignored like I was my whole life. I would somehow find a way to raise him, but I had no idea how.

I walked to the ATM and withdrew $200, my parents wouldn't notice; they hadn't for two years now. This I did once every month, but twice this month. I also had gotten a job which was slowly making my stash grow. I didn't know how much I needed, but I had saved up since I was ten. Then at fourteen I really started to save; my brother was born. I stole money from my parents who were so rich they didn't even know. All of this I did in preparation. I wanted to run away, but I didn't have a good enough reason to until now. My ribs ached thinking about it.

I had saved up a total of seven thousand, one hundred, and six dollars. This I carefully put in my bag leaving a hundred to go in my purse. My parents were gone for the weekend, so I packed all my clothes and my essentials in the car along with Peyton's stuff. He was only four.

I had told him to put all the toys and things he wanted in a bag. I told him we were gonna leave mommy and daddy, and he hadn't even cared just asked me "Do I get to stay with you?" and he was okay. I had been his mother for so long. Even when my parents were home I still cooked and cleaned and tried to keep Peyton away from them. They hadn't notice that either.

Now as I walked from my car back to my house I stopped and stared. I stood there looking at it, and I didn't want any part of it. I wanted to get out and get out now.

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