Chapter 9

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After dinner Dalton and I washed the dishes and got into a minor water-fight where he almost dunked my head under the running water. I had the decency to scream though so that his mom came out and told him not to kill me on the counter. It was hilarious. We finally finished the dishes and walked to the living room to watch tv. Not a second after we sat down the doorbell rang.

"I got it," I said getting back up off the couch. I walked to the door and opened it slowly. Wiz was standing there dressed in black. He grabbed me and pulled me outside.

"Dalton I'm kidnapping you guys for the night tell your mom and let's go!" He yelled this at dalton who was now up and had his arms crossed over his chest in the doorway.

"Are we gonna be outside?" He asked shaking his head at Wiz.

"Maybe for some of the time. Hurry up your ruining my kidnapping dreams!" Wiz tightened his arms around me. It hurt a little but not enough to make me do something about it. Dalton headed down the hallway to the kitchen and wherever else.

"Wiz, you know you can let go of me now right?" I asked him trying not to laugh.

"Yeah but you like it so I won't, plus I am fufilling my lifetime dream of being a kidnapper." Wiz replied seriously.

"Okay why do you have a lifelong dream of being a kidnapper?" I asked thinking about how weird Wiz was.

"You can not tell me you've never wanted to kidnapp someone. Plus it's a hot girl like you I am not ruining this once in a life time opportunity."

"Okay, I guess" I saw Dalton coming back out into the living room. He saw me standing there still with Wiz's arms around me and smiled. He had a couple sweatshirts in his hand and also what looked like a pair of sweatpants.

"Okay my moms fine with it and I brought you sweatpants cause I don't know if your legs are gonna be cold or not. Wiz you know you can let her go now right?" Dalton smiled as he walked over to us.

"Are you really gonna ruin my dream of kidnapping a hot girl?" Wiz asked backing up with me. It almost made me fall over.

"Oh my gosh Wiz, you are gonna make me fall over." I said laughing. "If I let you still hold my hands behind my back, will you release me so I can walk?" Wiz looked at me for a moment then nodded his head and sighed. He still made sure he had my hands though as he marched me over to his truck.

"Are you giving us a ride home, or do I need to drive in my SUV." Dalton asked from behind us.

"Well you might have to drive behind us, but Emily's riding with me." Wiz paused to smile, "I wasn't really planning on going home tonight unless I had a girl so lets just be safe."

"Wiz don't get into a car crash. You are a terrible driver in the first place try to not crash please." Dalton sounded serious but his face was light.

"I am not a bad driver with pretty girls in the car, I promise." He replied and opened up the door and helped me into it. I sent a questionable gaze to Dalton who was now getting into his SUV still looking at me. Fake worry was on his face, it was cute.

"Okay so where exactly are we going?" I asked Wiz once he got behind the wheel.

"I can't tell you, a kidnapper never reveals his destination to his kidnappy." He was still acting completely serious.

"Wiz just tell me where we are going." I said seriously. I gave him a look that said "tell me or die."

"Ugh, fine. We are going to a party at the twin's house."

"Who are the twins?" I asked not remembering everyone I had seen at the bonfire.

"They are two rich guys that are a year older then us. Jason and Luke. They come to every party and they throw some pretty sick parties. Everyone who is anyone is gonna be there." Wiz said this excitedly like he had only been to a few of these parties before.

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