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"Harry let's go to town! I wanna buy something."

"No. I'm too tired."Harry replied.

"But Harry I just wanna spend some more time with you! These past few days you seem to be different."I told him.

"No!" he shouted. "But Harry I just wanna...!"

"I said NO!" he shouted as he slapped me hard.

"Ow! Harry how could you!?".

Harry has never hurt me before. This was the first time he hit me.

~2 months later~

"Harry please don't! No!"

I screamed as he beat me up. I quickly ran up the stairs to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw scars surrounding my body. I look nothing like the Zoe before harry abused me.

He only lets me out the house when I'm with him meeting his friends like Alfie and Jim. I tried escaping from him but he always catches me and beats me up. I don't want to live like this anymore!

"Zoe come out here!" Harry shouted as he pounded the door.

"No! Go away!"

"Come out here or I'll kill you!" He threatened.

Harry was still pounding the door.I stayed in the bathroom and laid on the tub not minding him. He got tired and eventually went away.

I run the bath and removed my clothes. I clean my face with soap because it is covered in blood from Harry's punch.

I hate seeing my body with all these scars. The scars that reminded me of the things he did to me.

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