testing - one

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"Why do we do this Sir?" An intern asked. The room is filled with important people from the project and the people who give support to this special work. 
"Do I need to explain this to every intern?" He asked, spilling on his green coloured drink. The intern could not tell what kind of flavour it was. Her eyes guided her back to the screen of the room named 'ROOM TANGERINE', she did not have a clue why they decided to call it that, but then again she was just a temporary intern. She gripped the binder in her hands tighter, leaving a print of the outline on her skin. She was only a sophomore in a university in Reve. She needed this job. 
"We do this so everyone in the country is safe." 
"What do you mean safe, like from other countries? Sir?" 
"From something scarier than another war" He looks at her nametag.
'Eleanor Regien'  
"Miss Regien," He says and the lady looks at him. Her hands are still holding the binder like a stress-ball. 
"Yes Mr.East?" She acknowledges.
"If you say anything about this to someone we will send the reapers to take care of the problem like a rat infestation, do you understand that?" Mr. East says nonchalantly as he finishes his drink. He loved to say threats to interns, they always feared him. 
Miss Regien looks at the man in charge with a fearful tone. 
"Of course Sir, I would never do anything like that." She replies and sighs when the man laughed. He starts to laugh hard and places his cup on a random desk as he continues.
No one dares to ask why he is laughing and only laugh in fear. 

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"Where am I?"

She groans as she sees metal chains around her wrists and looks up to see that she is in a room of white. Her stomach feels like it's twisting inside into knots for a reason she has yet to discover. The room was cold, not cold enough to make her shiver, but enough to feel a prick on her skin. She takes a second to eye around her surroundings. 
'No door?' 
 She continues to survey the room and to no avail, there was nothing on the ceiling either. The room she was in is big enough to have eighty or so people party like no tomorrow. "What the hell..." She says confused. 
A noise comes from behind her and she perks up and harshly yanks her chains, causing her to feel a sharp sting.
 'Shit' She curses internally. The cold air puffing out the vent from the ceiling was making the pain double. Rings of red were now forming on her wrists.
"Who are you?"
She looks at the source of the voice to see a boy, who looks to be around her age. "My name is Ezri and that is about the extent of what I know," She half-heartedly quips. She hesitates to answer him.
'How come I just noticed him?'
He lightly laughs and does the same thing Ezri did just a few seconds and yanks the chains on his wrist, causing him to wince in the pain. 
Ezri curses herself. She still feels the pain from her wrist lingering. 
"That shouldn't have hurt so much," She whines. The boy just looks at her with a serious stare. She notices his brightly colored eyes, a strange blue color that looks unrealistic and whimsical, but somehow manages to look so dark and soggy. He stands up from the cold floor they both seem to wake up from and basically shows Ezri just how tall he is. 
If she is going to compare herself to him, he was lanky and still looked strong somehow, not by the appearance of his body, but the way he stood. Never judge a book by its cover. His skin was a fair pale cream. Opposite of her which is a sweet caramel color.
"I said my name so what's yours?" She asks and she adjusts the chains to fit her stature of comfortability. The chains were getting annoying too fast. 
 "Sloane, I also don't know where I am or how I got here," He says in a toneless voice and then yanks the chains on his wrists again just to wince at the pain it inflicted. "All I remember is getting into a black car and here I am," He says, taking a good look around the room. "Same here bud, but why are we here?" Ezri replies, but she didn't look at the boy, but instead to the ceiling as if someone was listening to them. 
"And where are we?" She whispers under her breath. She feels like someone is listening and watching their every move. All she got in reply was white staring back at her. Everything inside the room was white, everything. The clothes she was wearing before all of this seem to have vanished into thin air and her bag too. Her journal is all she was thinking about. "Did you have someone named Mr. Richard go to your house?" She asks the boy who was too busy searching for the entire room. Ezri wants to distract herself as much as she could from the scenarios plaguing her mind. She is the one who tends to overthink but doesn't know what she is overthinking about. 

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