Part one- first day at PK academy!

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Oh. I guess it's that time of year again huh? Back to school... you know usually i'm never excited for school to start again but this time i'm even more not excited. Why do you ask? Because i've transferred schools and to make matters worse I'm a high school second year now which means it's probably going to be hard to make friends since everyone knows each other already, but I guess i'll just have to push through.
I moved to Japan from America which is a complete 360 for me. School works so much differently there than it does here, for example they usually don't require uniforms in american schools but here in Japan its very common to wear a uniform. I'll be attending PK academy, and their uniform kind of makes me excited to wear it oddly enough. I've always romanticized the idea of wearing a uniform because of my mother. I would see photographs of her younger years when she lived in Japan and seeing her look so gorgeous in her school uniforms made me envious.
The PK uniform for both the boys and the girls is a tealish color. It's kind of an eyesore at first glance but it grows on you. The girls uniform consists of a teal skirt, a white blouse with a teal collar and then to top it off, a red bow tie. There was also an option of a tan or black sweater to throw over top of it when it's colder out. Now, i'm not sure how strict this school is about their uniforms but i'm still gonna make it my own. I just added some more decorative socks to it as well as my platform boots that I wear everyday. My style is a bit edgier so I'm trying to incorporate it as best I can. I also added some fishnet arm warmers, copious amounts of kandi I had made and a choker. I contemplated adding fishnet stockings as well but I figured it would be a bit overkill so I held off on those.
I am just one day away from my first day of school. Academically, i'd say i'm pretty prepared I did all of my summer homework... but mentally I am not. I mean like I stated it won't be easy to make friends and my japanese isn't as good as it could be so I may have a difficult time communicating with other students.

"Y/N its dinner time!" I hear my mom calling from the bottom of the stairs.

Crap! I must have been so lost in my thoughts I lost track of the time I didn't realize it was already dinner time, but to be honest I don't have much of an appetite today anyway, it's probably the nerves. I decided to skip out on dinner and just prepare for school. I made sure I had all of my supplies and that my uniform was all clean for tomorrow. I think now I'll just take a quick shower and head to bed.
I make my way to the bathroom for my shower but halfway down the hall i'm stopped by my mother.

"Sweetheart aren't you having dinner?"

"Uh no mom i'm not hungry thanks though."

My mom looked disappointed that I wasn't eating but there's nothing I can do about that so...anyway I head to the bathroom and take a brisk shower and then head to bed.
I was having a hard time falling asleep with all of the anxiety I was ridden with. The thing I was worried about most was making friends. I never really had friends back in america, in fact I was bullied a lot for being half japanese, plus I was quiet so people thought I was a weirdo. I aim to be more outgoing, but I can't help but worry that i'll be made fun of here too for being half white. I guess i'll have to make up for it with my social skills right?
After hours of endless anxious thoughts I finally fell asleep around 4am, and I had to be up at 7am.
{B E E P B E E P B E E P} the obnoxious beeping of my alarm woke me up. My lack of sleep made me super ornery so I kind of pouted my way out of bed. I head downstairs for some breakfast before I start to get ready. My mom isn't home in the mornings so I kind of just have to have something easy for breakfast. I rummage through the fridge and the cupboard only to realize we don't have any more food. Great... looks like i'll be doing some shopping this afternoon. Disappointed by my lack of breakfast, I head upstairs to get ready.
There isn't really much I need to do to get ready in the mornings, I just throw on my uniform, do my hair and put on a tiny bit of makeup. After I finished I pick up my phone to look at the time, it's 7:45. I must've taken too long to do my makeup today. If I don't leave now I will be late for my first day at my new school. I quickly head out the door and start fast walking toward PK academy. Along the way I noticed a pink haired boy walking pretty far behind me, but he was wearing a PK uniform as well. He had kind of a strange look to him but I just ignored it and kept walking. After a pretty short walk, I reached the school and just in time, too. Somehow that pink haired kid arrived slightly before me even though he was definitely way farther behind me when we were walking... how weird.

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