Its going to be great!!

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Audrey POV

"It is going to be epic" I screamed into Natalie s' ears. I was super excited and could not hold to myself for even a second. "arggggg stop aud, I am going to be deaf when I land in Washington d.c. and I don't like that thought. Remember girl I get to speak first with THE MAN (the president) and then you can do second " she said half irritatedly and I thought half excitedly. " I totally agree with you, when I see him I am going to become muted and not even utter a single word. I am going to totally mess up our meeting by my anti-social behavior nat " I uttered with a dismay. "hey stop thinking negative, we reached so much. We could do the other half too so don't worry. Now pull up your blanket and go to sleep. We reach morning." She said and gave me a bear hug and then went off to sleep.

Maybe she was right, maybe I was over thinking. *yawn* I was tired. I pulled the blanket towards and closed my eyes. I hope everything was going to happen the way it was meant to be and nothing would go out of plan.

Natalie POV

I talked to her so confidently and positive. But I was also nervous. How am I going to do the talking first. I slowly opened my eyes and turned a little bit towards her and I couldn't believe that aud had slept. How easily that women gets sleep. I wish even I had the same talent. She was peacefully sleeping with no nervousness or excitement which she had before. You are dead tommorow just for this aud * she smiles and lays back to sleep again*.

*******This is the starting chapter guys sooo it had to be small for as the next chapter is going to be pretty big. So hope you guys liked this beginning. This is a story I have been dreaming to do since I started loving the Irish guy. Hope you guys love it.
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aakansha peace out :)*******

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