Chapter 25

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Well this story is dedicated to HammyUK because she is kinda right. You'll find out who Erin is now!


Chapter 25:

“I swear you’re richer than me! You should be the one to call me once in a while,” Erin yelled. My best friend yelled at me. I grinned.

“I’m sorry!” I exclaimed, “Now would you stop yelling at me?”

“Fine,” she sighed, “I just missed you.”

“I missed you too!” I said, “Hold on for, like, five seconds.”

“Sure,” she said.

I turned to Daniel and Benjamin and said, “I gotta take this call. Daniel mentioned wanting to talk to dad so you can do that now.”

“What is it about?” dad asked Daniel.

I gave them a tiny wave and walked into the kitchen.

“Where were we?” I asked into the phone. I missed my best friend.

“Me missing you,” she replied, “I have no friends.”

I scoffed. Erin not having friends was like zebras having only black stripes. It was impossible! Erin is one of the most social people I have ever met. I used to feed off her confidence whenever we went to parties.

“No really!” she said, “All these people here are so fake. You were the best.”

“Were?” I questioned.

“Yes, were! You moved away, now you’re the worst,” she said dramatically.

“Meano,” I said and stuck my tongue out.

“Stick your tongue out one more time I’ll come there personally and cut it off,” she threatened.

“Well, at least you’d come here,” I smiled. She knew me too well.

“Anyway, how’s the neighbourhood hottie?” she asked. She was probably grinning.

“Well he’s single, but I think he still loves her,” I sighed.

“Aww, you should probably wear those skinny jeans I got you,” she suggested.

“Clothes won’t fix my problem! You’re such a bad adviser,” I told her.

She gasped, “Take that back!”

“Nope,” I said, “we had a moment today.”

“A moment?” she asked confused.

“We almost kissed” I confessed.

“And then what?” she asked after a gasp.

“Dad calls and Ben runs away,” I said while staring at the ceiling.

“Ah damn!” she sighed, “next time you ignore the phone all right?”

“He probably thinks I’m some weirdo chick,” I exclaimed, “I hate me!”

“Who made the first move?” she asked.

“Him,” I whispered.

“He likes you” she said in a sing-song voice.

“Well either that or he thought I was his ex,” I said in a monotonous tone.

“You’re so pessimistic!” Erin exclaimed, “I would spank you if I were there.”

“Whatever,” I said, “let’s talk about something else. How’s your mum?”

“She’s good. She misses your mom’s company. How is she by the way?”

“I have no idea,” I sighed, “She’s sane one moment and insane the next.”

“She’ll be all right soon,” she said reassuringly, “how are those little angels I promised to steal?”

“Shane and Shania are great too. I don’t think they remember you though,” I sighed.

“Hate you!” she exclaimed.

I heard some yelling in the background from the phone. Erin sighed and said “I gotta take care of business. Promise you’ll be good?”

“I promise. You take care too, all right? I miss you.”

“I miss you too. Bye” she hung up.

I went back to the living room. I heard Daniel and dad discussing something. Something about an acting gig. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“We should go,” Ben said, “we have a test tomorrow and I haven’t even started studying yet.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed, “Then you better get on track.”

“I’ll just take Holly and we’ll get going” Ben said.

“Sure,” I smiled.

“I’ll wait down here,” Daniel told us.

“Yeah,” Ben said, “be right back.”

I walked up the stairs and he silently followed. I opened the door quietly and noticed that the twins were still asleep. He slowly walked towards my bed and gingerly lifted Holly up. He whispered something in her ear and she immediately relaxed against him.

“Thank you for letting Holly sleepover,” he said genuinely.

“I’m sure the twins had fun too,” I smiled.

He smiled and walked down the stairs and towards the door. “I’ll see you around,” Ben said. I nodded with a faint smile. Daniel did this weird handshake thing with me and left.

I sat on my couch and ate the donut that dad got me. I could hear the Nokia SMS tune from my phone. I checked it and saw a message from Daniel. It read:

Hey Stacey! Sorry ‘bout the whole mud thing. Forgive me? Your dad’s awesome btw!

I chuckled and replied:

Heya Daniel! It’s ok. It was fun …. Kinda. See ya later. And yeah .. my dad’s awesome :D

What did my dad do to him to be so awesome? I wondered.


So there you have it guys, Erin is her BFFFF. Do you think Erin is right about Ben liking her?

You know how everyone says "Comment on how much you love the chapter" ... I'm asking you to tell me how much you didn't like this chapter. What is wrong here and stuff?

Oh oh! What did Stacey's dad do to be so awesome?? Correct guesses will get a dedication when I reveal what he does!

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Lol, I hope that caught ur attention :P


Skyler J

~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak ♥ ~

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