Bellamy's POV

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“Ahhh!” I yelled as I kicked over a canister.

It was the closest thing to me and I needed to do something to try to release some of this anger.  The canister broke open and spilled its nasty black liquid all over the floor. I looked around at the mess I had just made when I saw something else coming out of the top of the canister. I bent over to get a closer look and was so surprised by what I was looking at. Guns, and lots of them. I could not help but smile. This was exactly what we needed. This could help us a lot against the grounders and anything else that was thrown our way.

“Oh, my god.” I said once I was able to make my mouth move again.

“What?” Clarke asked as she made her way over to me.

When she made it to my side I picked up one of the guns and showed it to her.

“This changes everything. No more running from spears.” I told her.

I practically ran from her and hung up a big red cloth and drew an x on it. I was going to teach Clarke how to use these guns if she wanted to or not. She needed to know how to protect herself especially if I was no longer going to be around.

“Ready to be a badass, Clarke?” I asked her.

She looked at me and I was unable to read her. She was always able to surprise me with her reactions, or the way she thought about things.

“I’m not gonna fight you on bringing them back to camp. I know we need them, but don’t expect me to like it.” She told me.

I could not help but smile in response, I knew she would understand.

“Were lucky they were packed in grease. The fact they survived means were not sitting ducks anymore. You need to learn how to do this.” I told her.

She did not say anything to me. She just nodded and walked round me so she was facing the target. She drew a gun that I did not even realize she was holding.

“So I just like hold it to my shoulder?” She asked me not shore on exactly how she should hold the gun.

I had so admit it was kinda cute.

“Yeah just a little higher now.”  I told her as I reached over and helped her slightly lift up the gun and then placed my other hand on her shoulder to help steady her.

I could not help but look over her shoulder and to her face and felt my stomach drop. I did not know why. In that moment I realize that I did not want to leave Clarke here on her on but I did not have a choice.

“Yeah that’s good.” I said to her as I tried to shake away whatever the hell I was feeling and walked away from her.

“Now uh, watch and learn. “ I told her and she quickly moved out of my way to make room for me.

I picked up the gun and I knew I looked like I knew exactly what I as doing, because I knew exactly what I was doing. I could not help but smile as I knew she was watching me.

I pulled the trigger, there was a loud click but nothing happened. I tried again and just like before nothing happened.

“Still watching.” Clarke said with a smile on her face but I was kinda embarrassed not that I would admit that to her.

“My bullets are duds. Try yours.” I told her.

She moved in front of me and aimed her gun. She pulled the trigger and shot the coroner of the cloth. I was happy that hers worked but at the same time upset that I was unable to show off for her.

She smiled and then tuned to look at me over her shoulder.

“That was amazing, ha! Am I horrible for feeling that?” She asked me so very excited.

I could not help but smile back at her. Her smile was electric and somewhat contagious.

“Nah, try again.” I told her as I continued to smile at her.

“No wait. We shouldn’t waste the ammunition.” She told me no longer smiling.

“You need to practice.” I told her all so seriously.

“No. We need to talk about how were gonna keep the guns around camp. Were we keep them, and who has access?” She started rambabling on.

I held up the gun and got ready to take a shot while she talked. This time when I pulled the trigger the gun worked and I almost hit the x dead center.

“You left Miller in charge of the grounder. You must trust him.” She said to me.

She was rite I did trust Miller. He was not like Murphy who did what I told him because I told him to. He was loyal but a good kid, with a kind heart. He was someone to trust and keep around.

“You should keep him close. The others listen to him.” I told her as I looked away.

 I was unable to make eye contact with her. I felt extremely guilty for some strange reason.

I tried to walk away from her but she quickly ran in front of me.

“I should keep him close?” She asked me. “Bellamy what’s going on? You have been acting weird all day?” She asked me.

She was too smart for her own good. Most people would not have even noticed or caught on to anything. They would be too worried about themselves. But not Clarke, Clarke pays attention to everything. She then looked from me to my bag and I knew intently that she had figured it out.

“All the rations you took. You’re gonna run. That’s why you agreed to come with me.” She told me.

I made eye contact with her for a quick second then looked away. She looked hurt and angry that I was going to leave he and just run away. I could not stand to look at her any longer.

“You were gonna load up on supplies and just disappear.” She yelled at me.

I looked up at her not wanting her mad at me. I needed to explain myself.

“I don’t have a choice. The ark will be here soon.” I told her.

“So your just gonna leave. Leave Octavia?” She said to me.

“Octavia hates me. She’ll be fine.” I said to her not believing my own words.

“You don’t know.” Clarke started but I quickly cut her off.

“I shot the Chancellor. There gonna kill me, Clarke.” I told her sternly.

“Best case they lock me up with the grounder for the rest of my life, and there’s no way in hell I’m giving Jaha the satisfaction.” I told her.

She looked back at me like she wanted to say more but I did not give her the chance.

“Keep practicing I need some air.” I told her as I quickly walked away from her and maid my way out side. 

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