The Empty Bed

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The sunlight was shining in threw a crack in the tent and was hitting me in the face. I rolled over so the sun was no longer hurting my eyes. I found myself becoming comfortable all over again in the empty bed. The empty bed? Before I could open my eyes I reached out my arm, nothing was there. I finally forced my eyes open to see that Murphy was no longer lying next to me.

I had crawled into the bed with him early this morning. I had been unable to fall back asleep and just needed to be next to someone. He was asleep and had no idea I had got in the bed with him. I was fully intending on waking before he did. I guess I over slept.

I looked around the rest of the tent and saw no sign of him or his clothes that were thrown into a pile on the floor the night before.

He must be with Bellamy. I thought.

I got out of bed and tried as best I could to straighten out my hair. Which was difficult because I did not have a brush or hair elastic. It was just hanging down to my mid back, wavy and all over the place.

Once I thought my self-decent enough to be seen I walked out of the tent. I looked around and did not see Murphy any were. I started to walk around the camp looking for him but instead I found Wells. He did not see me he was too busy filling in what looked to be two graves.

He must be barring the two kids who died on the drop ship.

I looked around and could not see anyone that was helping him. It was obvious that he had been at this for a while. His entire shirt was dripping with sweat. His tan shirt was stained with stains. His jacket was off and his blue pants were covered in dirt. It was weird how fast we all had gotten dirty down here. His tones arms look like they were about to rip their way out of his shirt. I walked over to one of the buckets we had used to catch the rain water from the night before and filled up a make shift cup with water. I carried it over to him. He still did not see me until I was standing directly next to him.

"Here. It looks like you need this." I told him as I handed him the cup.

"Thank you." He responded before quickly drinking the water.

"Need any help?" I asked him.

"Nope. All done."  He said as he pulled his jacket back on.

He then turned around and grabbed a handful of clothes that had been folded neatly into a pile on the ground behind him. He must have undressed the kids before he barred them.

We walked back into camp in silence. There was commotion through the entire camp. Kids were yelling and chasing each other around. We walked by two kids making out in the bushes. Other kids where trying to make music out of cans and anything else they could make into a drum.

We were walking by the drop ship when we were approached by someone.

"Hey you, were did you get the clothes?" He asked Wells.

I looked at the kid who was speaking. He was taller than me with brown hair and eyes. I did not recognize him and I did not like the fact that I did not know who he was, or what he was capable of.

"Buried the two kids who died in the landing." Wells told him.

"Smart. You know I'll take it from here." The kids said as he tried to take the clothes rite out of Wells hands.

"There's always a market for.." The kid started to say but Wells cut him off.

"We share based on need. Just like back home." Wells told him sternly.

At this very moment Bellamy walked out of the drop ship. It was clear to me that Murphy was not with him this morning. He was shirtless; his gun was sticking out of his pants. Some tan girl with long straight black hair walked out behind him in her pants and a bra.

It looks like it did not take him long to find someone to replace me once I turned him down.

He looked from Wells to me. He saw me staring at him and from the look on his face assumed I was staring at his naked chest but in truth I was looking at the gun. It was good to know where he keeps it and what kind of gun it is in case I ever have to take it from him.

"You still don't get it do you chancellor?" Bellamy said to Wells.

The girl that he was with leaned into him and gave him a quick kiss before walking away.

Does this girl have no shame?

"This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." Bellamy told him.

Bellamy then quickly grabbed a shirt out of Wells hands.

Wells tried to take it back the kid held him back.

"No. no Atom, hold up." Bellamy said.

So this kids name was Atom.

Atom instantly let go.

Great another one of Bellamy's bitches. Where does he find these guys?

I looked from Bellamy, to Atom, to Wells. Wells looked pissed. He started to approach Bellamy and I became worried. I thought he would be able to take Murphy but Bellamy I was not shore off. Plus Wells was still hurting from yesterday.

Wells turned away and Bellamy took this as he was backing down. I wanted to smack that smug look of his face. He then started to put the shirt on at the same time Wells threw the rest of the things in his hands down onto the ground and turned back to Bellamy.

All of the kids behind him started to fight over the clothes.

"Is this what you want? Chaos?" Wells asked.

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy replied.

 I could not help but laugh a little even though I did not mean to. Chaos is what they called me back on the ark. Once I was put in the orphanage I was no longer Dahlia, I was there little but of chaos. Both Wells and Bellamy looked at me. God, Bellamy made it so hard to stay mad at him. If I did not think he was hiding something from me I think we could be friends.

Wells looked pissed, and Bellamy looked amused and as if on que a girls screams could be herd through the camp.

We all turned to the direction of the screams.

The four of us started running and once we reached the fire we found the source of the screams. The first thing I saw was a pike of wrist bands all over the floor. Then I saw the source of the scream.

Murphy, my Murphy was holding a girl over the fire. Forcing her face only inches from the flames. She struggled with everything she had to get away but he would not let her go. I seriously had to fight the need to go over there and kick my dearests friends face right in. if it was anyone else I would have.

 a/n ok the song for this chapter may be a lil confusing. It's cover a few characters. When it starts it's talking about Bellamy and his hook ups. Then when they get the the chorus it's Wells like see I told you. He'll has broken loose. Then Dr. Dre is when they realize Murphy is crazy and camp is out of control. I hope that made sense.

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