It's Time For Answers

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A storm was coming, one like we have not seen before. The wind was vicious, knocking over tents. Branches where falling from trees. The wind was making noses that sounded like animals where howling.

The rain was falling down so hard it almost hurt against my skin. Kids where running around the camp wildly trying to hold the camp together. It seemed like an impossible task. Most of us where in the drop ship hiding from the storm. We were all waiting for Raven to fix the radio. The only thing we could do was wait. The waiting was killing me, but because of the storm there was nothing else I could do.

"This is Raven Reyes, calling ark station. Come in, ark station." Raven said.

She said it over and over again. The same thing, over and over again. It was driving me nuts. I walked as far away from her as I could get not wanting to hear her voice any more. I sat down by the door letting the sound of the rain over power all of the noise in the drop ship. So I sat by the door trying to decide what to do with myself.

"This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself." A voice came through the speakers of the drop ship.

It rang threw all of the noise that I was trying to drawn out. My heart stopped as the drop ship filled with silence.

"This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha station. I'm transmitting from the ground." She answered back to them.

Everyone in the drop ship became excited. Everyone but me, this was worst case for me.

"The 100 are alive; please you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin. Dr. Abby Griffin now." Raven said to them.

"Hang on Raven where trying to boost your single." The voice said back threw the speakers.

"Raven are you there?" A new voice came threw a few seconds later, a female voice.

"Mom?" Clarke asked back. "Mom it's me."

"Clarke?" The female voice asked back threw the speakers.

Before Clarke's mom could say anything else she went into strait work mode.

"Mom I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder." She said.

"Clarke this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" The Chancellor asked causing every one of us to fall silent.

"Yes the earth is survivable. We're not alone. Mom he's dying. The knife is still in his chest." Clarke said to the both of them.

"Clarke is my son with you?" The Chancellor asked.

The drop ship became beyond quite. Everyone was waiting for Clarke to answer.

"I'm so sorry. Well is, Wells is dead." She told him.

The storm was really starting to worsen the drop ship was starting to shake a little. It did not matter though I could not stay in here anymore. I walked out into the storm, I was soaking wet within seconds. I saw Bellamy and a small group leaving. I ran over to him.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"To get some answers." He told me.

"I'm coming with you." I told him.

"Why?" Bellamy asked me.

"There talking to the ark." I told him.

That was all I needed to say. He nodded and I followed him and the group out.

We walked back to the cave. It took longer than I thought it would because of the storm. We could barely see a foot in front of us but we made it. When we got there we got lucky. The grounder was still out cold. Bellamy's guys quickly tied up his hands and feet. Once the kids had him up we started right back to camp. We did not want to be out in this storm longer then we had to be.

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