Chapter Seven

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 Peters pov 

I laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, I felt like I was already dead. I was ready to just jump off a building. Although Tony was in here not even a few hours ago, I knew I wouldn't be able to get through this day. I knew that it was bound to happen, whether it was further in the future or even only a couple of hours away, I was going to die by my hands. 

I get off of my bed and grab my bag, taking it into the bathroom with me, shoving a few things inside and lastly grabbing my web-shooters. I open the window that was right across from the door and jump out of it and swing across the city. I didn't really care whether people saw me or not, I was going to end it tonight anyway, so what was the point?

I stopped a few blocks away from the Stark Tower and landed on some random building in the middle of the city. I sit down on the ledge of the building, my feet dangling above the city and the people walking. It was funny to see how small everyone was and how little their lives really mattered. It wasn't like they were gonna be the next US president, or that they were gonna solve world hunger or climate change. So they really had no significance. 

I place the bag beside me and get out a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote a note. A note that would tell everyone the way I felt and why it had all come to this. I took in a deep breath as tears were rolling down my face as I wrote. The note was long and I just put my whole heart into it. I didn't want to leave put any details. I was going t be gone so it wasn't like they could do anything after I was gone. I sigh and place the note down beside me and I put a rock on top of it so it wouldn't fly away. 

I opened up my bag once again and I grab a small box that I just quickly shoved in my bag earlier. I opened the box to see three blades laying there. Two of them had dried blood all over the tips of it.

Trigger Warning

I quickly took one of the blades out of the box they were laying in. It was just so mesmerizing like it was something that I could stare at all day. I take in a deep breath a place the blade onto my right arm. I felt like it wasn't going to be enough but I had to do this. I had to just end it, even though I knew Tony cared. I just couldn't help that I had this feeling in my stomach that he really just didn't care and everything that he was saying was just something he said so he didn't have to feel any guilt. 

I pressed the blade down on my arm and make a verticle line up my arm, there was a lot of pain coursing through my body. It hurt like hell, blood was quickly flowing down my wrist as we all tears. Blood was dripping onto the sidewalk below me. People were no longer out and everyone was now retreating back to their houses. I put the blade into my other hand do the same thing to my left arm. Placing the blade down and pushing deep into my skin and drag the blade up my wrist making a deep gash. 

I start to groan in pain as blood was quickly flowing out of my wrists. My breathing was already started to become uneven and my vision was quickly deteriorating. I quickly stand up and stand over the ledge looking down onto the ground below me. 

Jumping was all I could think about doing. Ending all the pain and freeing myself from these mental handcuffs. I just felt like this was what needed to be done. I took a deep breath and jumped. Letting the air just course through my body. It felt so relaxing, just feeling as if I had nothing else to fear in this world anymore. I put a smile on my face as my body hit the ground and everything around me became dark. 

Tony's Pov

I was sitting at the table waiting for Steve to serve dinner to everyone. Peter was nowhere to be seen. I thought that since I finally got him off the couch that he would finally come and eat with us, but I guess he didn't really care for eating. But I was going to make him, whether he wanted to or not. 

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