Chapter Three

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Peters POV
I woke up to the loud sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I quickly turn it off and waltz out of my comfy bed. I saw a suitcase sitting by my door. I go over and open it only to find most of my clothes. I quickly search my suitcase trying to find any long sleeves. I found one, but it was more see threw.

I just threw it on as well as another a plain black T-shirt. Nothing special just enough to cover up any scar that I may have on my body. I also threw on a pair of jeans and converse.

I walk out of the room grabbing my bag on the way out. I walk towards the elevator but before I go in Stark stopped me, "Kid come have some breakfast." I turn around and shrug, "Mr. Sta-" I stop myself remembering what he told me last night, "Tony, I was just gonna eat at school, I have some school work to catch up on" I lie to him, just like I've been lying to my aunt for months before she died.

"Oh come on you can do it while we eat." He keeps on pressing. "Really Tony I got to go. I'll miss the bus." I say while trying to come up with more excuses. "Oh don't worry Happy's taking you. But I can tell you really want to get to school. So Happy is waiting for you downstairs." I just nod and get into the elevator. I could tell that he was suspecting something because I kept pushing that I wanted to eat at school.

When I get downstairs I see Happy waiting beside his car. I just get in ignoring the man, not giving him any smart remarks like I normally do. He also gets into the car, "I like this quite you." He laughs at his own joke. Again I didn't say anything. That's what peaked his concern as he started the car and made his way to my school. "How come your so down?" He asks obviously not meaning to offend me. "I'm sorry I'm not very chatty my aunt just died. I'm not really in the mood to chat." I say with attitude but truly not hurting his feelings.

That's when he closed his mouth realizing he shouldn't have asked. I let out sigh, "I'm sorry. I've just been kinda upset about it." I felt bad for the way I was talking to him, he was just trying to make some friendly conversation with me. Trying to be a good person and ask how I was and instead I was a dick to him.

"oh no you're all fine kid. I didn't realize what happened." he says while pulling up to my school. "I hope you feel better." he says as I start to exit the car.

I wall up to the doors of the school, opening them and walking straight in. I walk over to my locker opening it and starting to get my books out. Surprisingly Ned wasn't by my locker. It's like he forgot about me. I mean I didn't blame him. I would have forgotten about me too. I close my locker and there stood Ned. I jumped back, fear evident on my face. I put my hand on my chest as if that would slow my heartbeat.

I walk over to him and punched him in the shoulder, "what the hell man!" I started to laugh, he did too. "Sorry man didn't mean to sneak up on ya." he pats my shoulder. You know sometimes it's good to be able to get things off your mind. Use something to just forget. That's what Ned was doing for me. Helping me forget about the events that occurred just last night.

My aunt died, it was kinda a messed up thing that happened. But not only did she die, but she was also murdered how could someone do something like that to her, to anyone for that matter. I mean I may be Spiderman and I may be taught to deal with these things, but for some reason, it felt like the death of my aunt was something more than all the civilians that I lost.

"Peter?!" Ned yelled at me trying to get me out of my daze. I cocked my head and looked at him. "yea? What's up?" Ned dragged me into an empty classroom sitting me down in one of the chairs. "Peter what the hell is going on? You've been acting off for the past couple of days. Staring off in class, not concentrating on your work. Failed two tests. That's not like you. You know if something wrong you can always tell me." Ned took a deep breath and sat down on one of the desks that we're facing Peter.

I just looked down, fiddling with the sleeve of my shirt. What was I going to tell him? I mean yeah he was my best friend, but what was I going to do? I took a deep breath, "well... it's kind of a sad story." I rub the back of my neck.

Ned just sighed, "Well whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm always here for you." he looked at me with a sympathetic look. Oh, how I hated that look. It made me cringe.

I stayed silent for a moment, nothing was able to leave my mouth, I mean I didn't know what I was going to say. I took in a deep inhale, "uh. Well. My mom died.." I say barely above a whisper. Ned didn't say anything. I looked back up at him and his face looked so sad like he had just watched someone kick a puppy.

"Peter... I'm so sorry..." his voice was soft, indicating that he cared enough to want to help. "How?"

"murder.." my voice felt so broken. As if someone ripped me apart. Tears started to come to my eyes. I put my hand over my mouth trying to silence any of my cries, which was something that I was used to, trying to stop my cries.

Ned got up from his spot on the desk, walking over to me his arms wide open. Then he engulfed me in a hug, I wrap my arms around him and start to cry. "it'll be okay bud." that's when the bell rang.

I let go of him, "time for class" I laugh and opened the door, I started to walk to my first period. I sat down at a desk and started to listen to what the teacher had to say.

~Time Skip~

School ended, the bell rang letting me out of class. My thoughts have been plaguing me all day. I hated hearing all the disappointing things that my head had to say to me. I walked out of the school and say Happys car outside just sitting there with him standing outside of it.

Like I did this morning, I ignored him and just got in, not making any small talk, not even trying to crack a joke as I would normally do. I just kind of felt numb. As if I was going through the motions. I sat down in the car, resting my head in my hand, I started to stare out the window, blocking any noise that I was able to hear or comprehend. Letting the thoughts that were plaguing my mind enter.

Though that didn't last for long, we arrived at Stark Tower. I got out of the car and walked into the building. I felt like I was bound to be completely shattered at any given moment.

I got into the elevator going up the too floor. Where everyone lived and spent most of their time. "Hey Kid." I heard a chirpy Stark say to me as entered the living quarters. I just walked by him and walked into my room closing and locking the door.

Tony's pov

"Hey Kid." I said with a chirpy tone to my voice. I guess I just wanted to make the kid happy. He's been through a lot. he just walked by me and ignored me. Huh? Something is seriously wrong with that kid, but it might just be how he is coping with the loss of his mom. I felt bad for the kid. First having to deal with his newfound abilities and hide it from people, and how the loss of his mother. I don't know what else that kid needs to go through.

I just groan and go back to my lab, I started to work on new tech for my suit. Hoping that I can create some kind of new flying stability. So it would make it easier and more steady for the boosters on my suit.

But I still couldn't get the kid off my mind. Too much was happening. None of this should be happening. What if the kids not alright. If he's not better within the next couple of days, or by the end of the week, I will be forced to make an intense decision.


Sorry for taking forever to upload. I know I need to get more consistent with it. I keep doing it then take another month or two to get another chapter up, but I guess oh well. Not many of you guys are reading it to being with.

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