Chapter One

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Peters POV

Waking up as the sun hits my face felt good, it's the best I've felt in a long time. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my tired face, trying to feel a little more awake then you can when your up at 6 am. I yawn as I get out of my oldly Comfortable bed. I walk over to my closet and put on a shirt with so random science pun on it. I don't know why, I just kinda liked them. Under my science Tshirt I had on a black long sleeve shirt. I put on some blue Skinny jeans. "Peter?!" Aunt may called for me. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen where May was making food.

I looked at her with a smile, "yea what's up?" I ask as I grab my shoes that were by the front door. "Just making sure you were up and getting ready." She paused for a moment grabbing a plate. "Are you going to want some breakfast?" I look over at her rubbing the back of my neck nervously, "oh, no. I can just eat at school." I lie to her. For some reason I just haven't really been in the mood to be eating lately. It's like this empty feeling in my stomach, and it just makes me feel like I was full.

"Are you sure honey? I have some left." She persisted, I just roll my eyes. "Aunt May I'm fine." I go back into my room and grab my bag. "Bye May." I wave at her as I walk out the front door.

That's when I dropped that fake smile off my face, you know how hard it is to keep that up. I walked over to the bus stop and stand it front of it and my hands in my pockets waiting for the normally late bus to show up. I was standing there for about 20 minutes when I get a call. I pull my phone out of my back pocket, I read the contact name, 'Mr. Stark' I put a small smile on my face. He was one of the only people that could actually do that.

I press the answer button up and bring the phone up to my ear, "Hello" it was in a very monotone voice.

Starks voice could be heard of the other end of the line drinking a cup what I could only believe to be coffee. "Hey kid! I was wondering if you were still coming over today. You wanted to come Wednesday. So I just wanted to make sure you still remembered." I could hear him shuffling around as if he were trying to find something. Though I didn't keep my mind on it for to long. As what ever it was, was none of my business and I could care less.

My eyes go wide, shit I hella forgot about that. I take a deep breath and try to sound as convincing as I can. "Yea! I'll be on my way after school. I just kinda wanted to work on my suit. And I mean get out of the house. It's nice to be able to see you hues too." I paused for a moment realizing I was rambling. "Sorry. I'm just going off aren't I?" I laugh at myself. Though I was only laughing to make myself feel better, because I knew that if I didn't people would start to realize how broken I truly and it was like that loath was the only thing holding all my broken pieces together.

I heard Mr. Stark laugh on the other end of the phone. "It's no problem kid. Plus I like your talkative self, it brings joy." Stark says and it was like I could just see his smile from here.

That's when the bus pulled up, I get on showing them my school ID as people who are in school ride for free. "Hey Stark I have to go. I'm on my way to school, can't really be late now can we." I laugh a little while finding a place to sit on the bus. I take my seat in the far back of the bus where no one was. "Yes of course. Keep those grades up." Hehe makes a smart remark, as if I wouldn't already do that. "Goodby Mr. Stark.." I say trying to get off the phone. "Remember call me Tony!" I roll my eyes and hang up the phone. That brought a huge smile to my face, at times I feel like he's the only one that actually cares, but I knew in reality it's not true. I know that he would never really care. No one ever does.

I rest my arm on the and rest my head on my hand while looking out the window as trees pass by. I was on the bus dozing off for about 20 minutes when we finally arrive at the school.

I get off the bus and walk in the building, I immediately see Ned standing but my locker reading a coming book. I walk over and open my locker. Ned looks up from his comic book and whips his head towards me. "Hey man!" This man has a large smile on his face. I wonder how he did it. How he was able to not feel like me. Feel like your nothing. Ned knew he was on top on the world or that's what he felt like.

"Hey Ned!" Once again I put on a fake smile so that the world could see a happy me rather than the real me who would rather lie in bed and not move for that spot for the whole day.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over today and work on that lego structure." Ned said acting like a child, he was always obsessed with legos rather if it was building blocks or just regular legos. He was on it.

I looked at Ned, "man, I would, but I'm going to stark tower today. I forgot about it. Sorry man." Ned doesn't know I'm Spider-Man and I've been kind of scared to tell him. What if he freaks out. What if he gets mad because I didn't tell him earlier. I had so much anxiety built up over this.

"Oh it's all good man" I close my locker as he pats my back, "you so owe me though" he laughs as the bell rang indicating that students should be getting to class. I wave my bud goodbye and get to my first period, Chemistry. Of course a science class very early in the morning.


The whole days flew by. Well maybe because I slept in all my classes. I didn't get very much sleep the night before or ever. I walk out of the building and see Happy standing out side a nice looking car. I put on the most realistic smile I could muster and walk up to Happy. "Hey Happy!" I say trying to act happy even when I knew I was dying inside. "Get in." Was all he said, his name was happy but he sure didn't seem to be acting happy.

I got into the car not bothering to put on my seatbelt, because if we did get into a crash I would much rather die than live. I started to stare out the window once again. Watching as trees pass by and sent a calming Aura towards me. Making my tense body relax just a little.

Not long after, we got to Stark Tower. I walk in And I hear Friday say, "Welcome Peter Parker." "Hey Friday." I say back to the AI. "Tony Stark is waiting for you up in the Lab." Friday's voice was soft like it was able to put someone to sleep. No wonder Stark made her that way.

I go in the elevator clicking a floor button and waiting for it to take me. I get there and just walk straight into the lab. I look up at the billion air he had a smile on his face. I walk over and just grab my suit. I grab a screw driver and start to tamper with the suit. "It's good to see-" that's when Stark started to get a call. He quickly picked up his phone, "hello." He says into the phone. "Oh." He says again. I wonder who he was talking to. "Yea we'll be there shortly." He says and hangs up the Phone. Mr. Stark looks up at me with a sad look.

"Kid your mom was just murdered."

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