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We were sitting by the lake in front of Starks lake house "why are we acting like she's dead?!" Thor started off "get it together we're the avengers we'll just take the stones and get her back" Thor expressed. "It can't be undone! Or at least that's what the red floaty guy said" Clint expressed as a tear left from my eyes.

 "It can't be undone! Or at least that's what the red floaty guy said" Clint expressed as a tear left from my eyes

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I looked over at Y/N as she was just staring at the water with tears continuously falling from her eyes. I got up wrapping an arm around her as I then brought her into my chest hearing her cry silently. I rubbed her back as Bruce threw the bench across the lake into the water pissed.

I continued to rub Y/N's back as she sat up from my chest some wiping her tears and I kissed her head consoling her. "I just spoke to her, I just said I love her, she was just talking about our next child and a wedding-" Y/N started off explaining as she continued to cry placing her head on my chest as Tony just looked at Y/N then looked down.

Y/N then pulled away from me as she wiped her tears away and I looked at her as her face was flushed. "You guys can't go back" She started off. "We have to go back to return the stones in its original spots once we bring them back that was the plan" Rhodes said. "Don't do anything else" she said shaking her head. "Y/N we're so close to bringing them back" Tony said.

"But look at what we're losing" she brought up "we'll snap our fingers make sure everyone's back then return the stones" Clint assured as I seen a tear fell from her eyes. "Cap We got to go" Bruce said as I nodded. "Give me a minute with her" I said as they walked away as she then looked at me.

"Steve you can't go" she expressed as I took a breath. "Y/N I have to go" I said. "No you don't" she said as I looked at her. "I'm not letting you go" she added. "We're supposed to be bringing lives back not losing them" She expressed. "We said Whatever it takes" I said as she shook her head. "No" she said. "Y/N!" I semi shouted as she looked at me

"We said whatever it takes and we're sticking to that" I said as she started crying. "We have the stones so now all we have to do is snap everyone back, we have to keep going with the plan we can't give up now" I expressed.

"you don't have to go Steve " she said through her tears "they need me, we're a team" i said. "Why can't you just sit this one out?! All they have to do is snap their fingers. Just let me have this. Steve please?!" She asked as a tear fell from my eyes. Watching her this hurt brought tears to me and I never wanted to see her ever like this again.

"Y/N We have to do this. I told them whatever it takes and that's what we're doing " I explained as tears started flowing from her eyes even more as I hugged her body and she cried. "I can't stand you" she said through her tears as I rubbed her back. "I got to go, I will be back" I said pulling away as she pushed me off wiping her tears that continuously fell.

"Kiss Autumn for me" I said as she nodded and looked away from me. I placed my hands in my pockets heading for the car we came in to go back to the Avengers Compound.


Around 5:30 I walked into Tony and peppers house as pepper looked at me concerned. "You want anything to drink?" She asked as I shook my head giving off a faint smile. "No thank you" I said as she made room for me on the couch to sit. She rubbed my back in a circle softly as I laid my head on her legs.

"Everything will be fine" she assured before placing a kiss on my forehead. She continued to rub my back in a circle as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I felt someone tapping me "Hmm?" I hummed not opening my eyes instead shifting to get into a more comfortable spot on the couch I was on.

"Y/N" I heard my father say as I immediately opened my eyes and sat up looking at him. I stood up beginning to cry as he cried bringing me in for a tight embracing hug. "I have to tell you something" I heard auntie Carol say walking into the room as I turned seeing her along with Tiffany and Sam standing there looking at me In a serious manner.

"No" I started off "where's Steve?" I asked  "he-he's gone" Tiffany said as I looked at everyone's faces then immediately started to cry letting out the loudest cry. "No" I cried repeatedly as my father wrapped his arms around me and I fell to the ground as he continued to hold me while I cried hard. "No" I cried out through my tears.

"Mommy where's daddy?" I heard as I looked to my side seeing Autumn as she looked at me and she immediately begun to cry loudly. Sam handed me his broken shield as I cried harder looking at it.

"Y/N wake up!" I heard Tiffany said as I immediately jumped up looking around. I was laying on the couch  as tears came from my eyes immediately. I seen Sam, Aunt Carol and Bucky come in. "We have something to tell you" Aunt Carol started off as I shook my head immediately running outside onto the porch as I seen Everyone else here.

I then seen Steve holding his side with a broken shield walking towards the house. I looked at him and immediately started running towards him as he ran towards me. I ran into his arms crying. He wrapped his arms around me as I sniffled. "I have to tell you something" he started off as I pulled back grabbing his face and looking at it as it was dirty and he had blood under his bottom lip in the corner.

"Your face" I started off as he grabbed my hand softly. "Y/N Tony's gone" he started off as I paused and looked at him. "What?" I asked stepping back some. "He snapped his fingers and died from the impact of the stones" he explained as I felt like my heart sank into my stomach.

"W-wait no, he has M-Morgan" I started off and looked around "where's pepper?!" I asked "she was there when it happened" he stated as I was confused and my emotions were everywhere from the dream I just had, to Steve telling me about Tony and now confused on when pepper left and was there when it happened.

"Y/N he's gone" Steve said as a tear left his eyes and I immediately started crying placing my forehead on his chest..

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