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I looked at my phone seeing a text that Peggy passed away. I immediately excused myself to see if Steve was okay. I went down the stairs to see him leaned against the railings. He finally looked up from holding the bridge of his nose as I automatically hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly holding me close as he rested his forehead on my shoulder.

I rubbed his back and the back of his neck with my thumb before kissing his cheek. Some tears left my eyes as he leaned back looking at me. He then wiped my tears as i faintly smiled. "It's going to be alright" I assured "I know" he said as I rubbed his back. "Let's go get some breakfast" Steve said.

"What about the accords?" I asked looking back as he grabbed my hand "we'll deal with it later" he said as I looked at him and smiled. We headed to a diner sitting down as our waiter brought our drinks out that we ordered. "Thank you" I thanked "thank you" Steve also thanked watching the waiter walk off as I looked at him concerned and then looked at me.

 "Thank you" I thanked "thank you" Steve also thanked watching the waiter walk off as I looked at him concerned and then looked at me

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"You sure you want to be out right now? We don't have too. We can always get our food to go" I brought up. "I'm fine. Here" he said handing me the menu as I took it from him then looked at him concerned again before looking down at the menu.

"What are your feelings on the accords?" Steve asked as I was dreading this conversation with him because I already knew how he felt. "I really don't want to talk about that right now" i said looking over the menu. "Yeah but it needs to be talked about" he said lowering my menu down some looking me in my face. I then sighed some.

"I think it's best if we sign it to get back in good graces with the world. Because they see the avengers as vigilantes who are destroying lives in the process of trying to save them" I explained as Steve sat back some in the booth we were sitting in before crossing his arms.

"You serious? After all of that, that happened with SHIELD and Pierce?" He questioned "yeah and I understand that but we need to make everyone feel safe again and make them trust us again" I explained. "I can't sign those accords" Steve said as I nodded. "Yeah but I need you to think on signing them because if you don't, they'll make you retire early like they said" i brought up.

"I thought you agreed with me and this whole thing as far as the government being possibly infiltrated by someone who isn't for us again?!" Steve asked
"I do, but I'm compromising where I can. I just want to do what's right and make sure I don't mess up this position Fury placed me in. At the end of the day we're dealing with the government and the government has the power to mess up each and every last one of our livelihoods" I explained.

"Yeah but I got this feeling about if we sign over our freedom, what can possibly happen" he said as I looked at him. "What if what happened, happen? We'll be under the government control and it'll be harder because they know our every move" he expressed.

"You are really bothered by these accords" I brought up "because I'm trying to keep everyone safe and together. We're basically signing our rights away to them" he expressed. "Steve" I started off " if you don't want to sign it because you feel it's best not to sign it. Then don't sign it" I stated.

"But I also know you" I said as he looked at me "if you do anything they'll come after you, so I need you to stay out of trouble" I said as he just looked away from me. "Steve I'm serious this is you against the government and other countries. I need you to stay out of trouble" I said grabbing his hand.

"Okay, I'll think about it" he stated as I faintly smiled. Deep down inside I wanted to agree with him due to everything that did go down with SHIELD and hydra but I don't want us arrested or imprisoned for anything that could've been simply avoided with signing these papers. We have our lives to live and I didn't want to throw that away.

The waiter came back as Steve said his order then I ordered, bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes, a biscuit and some sausages. The waiter finished as he walked away and Steve chuckled. "Hungry?" He questioned.
"Yeah" I said in a giggle. "I've been really hungry lately, like I would eat and still be hungry after" I admitted.

"Maybe you're not eating enough" Steve brought up "exactly that's why I just ordered all of that" I said then rubbed my stomach "I kind of want some raisin and cinnamon toast too" I brought up as he chuckled making me smile. "I'm serious I'll pay for my food" I offered. "No I wanted to take you here so I'll pay for it" Steve said making me smile.

"I think after this With the accords we should go on a trip some where just me and you" I said as he smiled "just me and you?" He questioned as I giggled and nodded. Where would we go?" He asked "well if you don't get in trouble with the government we can leave the United States" I brought up as he chuckled.

"I walked into that one huh?" He questioned "yeah, you fugitive" I jokingly said making him chuckle. "I think we should plan a trip to Scotland" I brought up as he seemed interested. "Really?" He asked sitting up some. "Yeah but I want to go during the winter time so we can stay in a cabin and see the northern lights" I informed as he smiled.

"We're going to be in snow?" He questioned "yeah just a little bit" I said making him chuckle. "We get snow all the time out here in New York" he brought up.

"Yeah but Scotland got the northern lights" I brought up excited. "We have manhattan" he stated making me laugh.

"Steve I'm serious" I whined as he chuckled "that sounds like fun, you want to go for Christmas?" He asked "it can be my Christmas gift" I said with a convincing smile as he laughed. We were looking at pictures of everything and trying to get the trip together as time past, We even finished our food.

Steve paid the bill as I paid the tip and we walked out the diner. We got in the car as he drove back to the Avengers facility as Steve stopped the car and we just sat there. "These accords still bothering you?" I asked as he looked over at me then looked away and down.

"Steve Don't worry about that. You didn't even grieve Peggy. Take time to worry about yourself then the other issues" I said softly as he looked over at me. I immediately took my seat belt off and hugged him as he hugged back placing his face into my neck. I felt some of his tears roll down onto my shoulder and I didn't mind at all.

I rubbed his back and kissed his cheek softly continuing to hold him as he held me tightly. "Last thing Peggy talked to me about was us" I started off rubbing his Back in a chuckle softly. "She said that she can go knowing you were okay and happy" I let out with a faint smile as tears fell down my cheeks.

"She kept bringing up this word endgame to me" I said in a giggle as I heard him chuckle softly in my neck. "She said that to you too?" He asked before sitting up off of me as I smiled and wiped his tears away. "Yeah She told me to look it up and read it for myself" I informed as he chuckled and nodded.

"She did the same to me, referring to you" Steve said making me smile. "Yeah just know she left off this earth happy with you and for you" I said as he pulled away from me and I looked at him. He then placed his lips on mine. I kissed back slowly placing my hand on his cheek, deepening it.

I then pulled away beginning to feel nauseous. "What's wrong?" Steve asked as I shook my head finding an empty plastic bag in the car. I then opened the door to the car and leaned out the car to throw up in the bag. I heard Steve get out the car and come to my side holding my hair up as I was throwing up all the food I just ate...

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