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I snuck Steve's suit and shield out the building  safely placing it in the trunk of my car. "Did you really just end the engagement with Captain America?! It's literally Captain america you dumb bitch" I heard tiffany say walking towards the car as I looked over at her and shut the trunk. "Ma'am he's about to be locked up" I said. "So you wait for your man" she stated. "Tiff let's be real" I started off as she giggled.

"Okay all jokes aside" Tiffany started off. "You need to take this" she stated trying to hand me a pregnancy test box as I waved her off.

"I'm not pregnant and I have to hurry up and meet up with Steve" I said. "Ms. fury" I heard someone call out as I turned and seen Everett Ross. "Rogers went missing with Barnes, he fell into the water and we didn't detect any bodies yet, he maybe still alive" he assured as I looked at Tiffany concerned. "If he's still alive please get in contact with us immediately"Ross stated as I nodded slowly.

"Tiff what if something happened to him?!" I asked as tears were threatening to come out. "God you're so pregnant" she expressed grabbing my hand and opening the passenger door to the car for me. I got into the car as she got on the drivers side.

"Where are we meeting them at?" Tiffany asked "under some bridge" I cried as she just looked over at me. "Yeah when we get back to the hotel you need to take that test" she expressed as I wiped my tears away. "This is why I told Steve not to make it worse" I said frustrated as tiffany giggled. Tiffany's phone started ringing as she answered it.

"Yeah we're on our way now" she said before hanging up. "I'm going to kill him" I simply said looking out the window. "Y/N" Tiffany started off as I looked at her. "Baby girl you're pregnant" she said.
"Tiff I am" I admitted crying. "Are you serious I was like 70 percent sure" she said looking between me and the road.

"I missed my period and my body has been acting really weird I don't need a test to tell me that" I stated wiping my tears away. "Awwwww you're pregnant" Tiffany said as I cried "I can't keep it" I said. "Why?!" She asked. "Steve is in trouble with the law and I'm sure they're throwing him behind bars I can't do that to the baby" I said as she sighed.

"He's leaving" Tiffany said as I looked at her. "What?" I questioned. "He knows that what he's about to do is about to get him into some real issues with the law and he's leaving" she explained as I was lost for words. I pinched the bridge of my nose leaning my head on the window.

"You need to tell him you're pregnant before he flees" Tiffany said "for what?! He's leaving anyway. I didn't even take the test so who really knows if I'm even pregnant" I said as I felt tears fall from my eyes. "He's not going to stay even if I told him I was pregnant because everyone else lives are more important than ours" I said then shrugged some. "I can't change him, he's going to do what he wants and I have to accept that" I admitted wiping my tears as Tiffany parked the car under the bridge.

"You won't know until you tell him" Tiffany said "if he stays he's going to be locked up somewhere I can't go and if he goes I'm still not going to see him so either way it goes the baby isn't going to know who he is" I explained. "I just feel dumb getting pregnant"  I said wiping my tears away as Tiffany rubbed my back.

"You two love each other, it's very clear. Don't beat yourself up about this we didn't know this was going to happen" Tiffany said. "Yeah but I knew Steve wouldn't stand down. He's so fucking stubborn and hard headed" I expressed them giggled some. I looked at Tiffany "you're going to be fine Y/N and I'm sure one day Steve is going to come back" she expressed as I cried and shook my head.

"Tiff look at all of this. he's not coming back for me. If he comes back he gets locked up. He can't come back" I said feeling her wipe my tears away. She then wrapped her arms around me as I laid my head on her shoulder. We then seen a old beetle car pull up behind us. "Is that them?" I asked as Tiffany giggled. "Yeah that's them fix yourself" she said as I wiped any tears that was left off my face.

I then got out the car as Steve got out the car. I opened the trunk showing him his suit and shield. I was about to walk away but he called my name stopping me. "Y/N" he said as I turned. "You know what I'm about to do and you know I can't stay" he informed as I nodded. "Steve I already know" I said shaking my head. "I want you to come with me" he said as I looked up at him.

"I can't leave, I have school, work and something else very important I have to take care of. I can't go" I truthfully stated. He wrapped his arms around my body as I wrapped mine around his neck. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" I asked hearing him chuckle. "My stubbornness is what's keeping you safe" he said as I pulled away.

"No your stubbornness is what's keeping us apart" I stated clearly pissed. "Give me a kiss" Steve stated before placing his lips on mine as I slowly gave in beginning to kiss back. We pulled away slowly and looked at each other before he looked down.
"I swear whenever I see you again, I'm going to have words for you" I said making him chuckle.

"I forgot to tell you, you look good" he expressed making me laugh. I placed my lips against his as we slowly kissed each other again. He pulled away as We smiled at each other "go before I start crying again" I said pushing him away as he smiled at me. "I love you" he said making me faintly smile. "I love you too" I said making him smile.

He then looked over at Bucky and Sam who were smiling at us as Steve looked at them making me giggle.

He then looked over at Bucky and Sam who were smiling at us as Steve looked at them making me giggle

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"Be safe" I said to him before getting back in the car with Tiffany. Tiffany then got out the car going to Sam's side knocking on his window. He rolled it down and immediately kissed her lips. My mouth dropped as I seen Steve smirk. Tiffany came back to the car smiling.

She got in on the drivers side as I just looked at her smiling. "Did he just kiss me?" She asked as I giggled. "I knew it!" I said excitedly as she giggled.
We drove back to the hotel packing our things for our flight in the morning.

Around 9 I got in the shower thinking and soon got out taking the pregnancy test Tiffany got me out of it box. I read the instructions and proceeded to pee on the test. I placed on my night clothes and placed my hair into two braids then checked the test reading "Positive". I placed my hand over my face beginning to cry...


I was now moving into the avengers facility in upstate New York because Rhodes and Tony were looking out after me now that I was pregnant.
I was placing my clothes away in its dresser drawers as there was a knock on my door and I seen Tony peek his head in. "You have a package" Tony stated.

"Put it over there" I said as he placed it on the sofa before walking out. I finished putting away some of my clothes as I walked over to the FedEx package opening it up. I seen a folded piece of paper, a flip phone and a velvet black box.

I took out the paper first beginning to read it

"Y/N. I'm sorry that I didn't sign the accords but you know I couldn't. Im also sorry I made you feel as if I didn't love you for me being stubborn and making things worse putting our relationship where it's at now. I love you and will always love you. Whenever you need me I'm just a phone call away. Make sure you get your words together because I'll be back for you. until then be safe. By the way I wanted you to have something.."

Endgame always, Steve.

I took out the phone out seeing a number in it then I took out the velvet box and opened it. There sat my engagement ring he proposed to me with. I smiled and took it out it's box placing it on my ring finger.

💕End of part 1💕

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