Sokeefe - after Legacy

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"Oh, Keefe," Sophie whispered, reaching for the boy in the bed's hand. "Why did you have to go to Loamnore?"

But of course, he didn't answer her.

She wasn't sure if he ever would; it was still a possibility that he might not ever wake up.

And Sophie was heartbroken.

She tangled her fingers in his, but his limp hand didn't respond.

But then -

She gasped. She thought she had felt a slight movement.

Sophie looked down, and sure enough, she saw a slight curling of his fingers around hers.

Goosebumps erupted, and she could feel them up and down her arms.

Sophie shivered, though it wasn't cold.

A crackly voice sounded. "Miss me, Foster?"

She glanced over to see Keefe watching her steadily. "Keefe!" She almost jumped over to hug him, but she didn't know if that would be okay.

He laughed, obviously sensing her emotions. "Go on." He held out an arm and she gently wrapped her arms around him.

Sophie could feel his hand on the back of her head and she buried her face in his shoulder.

"I missed you so much," she whispered.

He gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "It can't have been that bad."

"Oh," Sophie said, "it was. It really was."

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