Sophiana - In the Closet

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"Ugh, this is so awkward," Sophie mumbled.

"It so is," Biana said. "I can't believe they'd make us do this."


There was a long pause of silence.

"Do you just want to . . . talk?" Sophie finally asked.


Both girls let out a giggle.

"Um, what should we talk about?" Biana asked.

"Well, we could -" Sophie let out a gasp as she realized what exactly she now had an opportunity to do.

"What? We could what?" Biana asked.

"I . . . I just -"

"Sophie." Biana reached out and put an arm on Sophie's shoulder.

Goosebumps erupted up and down Sophie's arms.

Though Sophie couldn't see Biana's face in detail, she saw her outline as the girl looked down.

"I have a crush on you," Sophie whispered.

She heard Biana gasp softly. "Really?" she said.

"Yeah." It felt good to get it out.

Both girls laughed again. "So you-"

"Yeah," Biana breathed out. "Yes, me too. Yeah."

"Well, good. Good and good," Sophie decided.

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