049. stella slater's prophecy

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VERY short chapter lol

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VERY short chapter lol... i forgot the password to my tiktok and i might cry


Break was very short, well, at least it seemed short. Nothing eventful happened at all. It was all the same old. Death Eaters coming inside of my house for some meetings, which I still was not allowed to attend. I was forbidden to attend any of them until the Dark Lord allowed me to. I was going to obey him, after all. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time. That's definitely the last thing I want. It was expected, really -- it was just still something that I had to get used to.

I did spent a lot of time moping around, though. I didn't get to see any of my friends either, which was fucking awful. I definitely missed them dearly, so I was ecstatic to go back to Hogwarts. I always anticipated the moment until I saw them again, even though I've been friends with them for years.

Just nerves, I guess.

King's Cross was the same, packed as usual, and full of Muggles. The ride on the Hogwarts Express wasn't unusual either. Less Draco than usual, of course. I didn't mind, though. nobody knew where he was -- isn't my problem, though.

When we did arrive back to Hogwarts, we had our usual feast as Dumbledore welcomed back the students who went home for break. After that, we all went off to our dormitories and common rooms, some going to bed and some just reuniting and spending time with their friends. That's what I did. I spent the rest of the night with Blaise, Pansy, and Theo. Blaise had talked about Luna a lot of the time, but I didn't mind. I was super proud of him. He deserves to be happy and if being with Luna is what makes him happy, then I support him. In all honestly, I'd rather have him with Luna than anyone else. They were just so different it makes them good for each other.

After I hung out with my friends, though -- I just went straight to bed. I had to prepare for my classes the next day.

Classes, though . . . weren't all that bad. Same professors rambling on about the same things, same kids in the same classes, it was all just the same. The only thing that was different though, was that I didn't see Draco in any of our classes.

All the Slytherins have classes together, besides the ones who picked certain classes. Slytherins stick together. Our entire friend group had chosen our classes together so that we could have them all together. We did that every year, really. With him not being here, it was for sure strange. He was on the train on our way back here, so I know for a fact that he isn't still at Malfoy Manor. My job was to stay away from him, and his job was to stay away from me too.

I tried my best to let go of it, which didn't go too well.

I had forgotten about the so-called prophecy that I had, which Granger and Lucius Malfoy had subtly mentioned. I never thought about it really besides that night and maybe a few days after. That night, my mind was also preoccupied with the other things that had previously happened and the things that were soon going to happen.

I am going to find out what my prophecy means, and I am not going to stop until I do.

I need to know what my destiny is, and I need to know how my future is going to go.

I needed to find Dumbledore, and quickly. I need to ask him what he knows. I had lied to my friends and told them I was off somewhere -- a completely different place than Dumbledore's office. I told them all that I needed to talk to Professor Snape about a Potions assignment. They did believe it, though, which was good.

I rushed to his office, going there as fast as I could. By the time I arrived, I was out of breath. I tried to catch my breath for a few moments, but then decided to just go for it anyway.

I knocked slightly on the door, to which Dumbledore replied with a "come in."

I opened the door and walked in, seeing Dumbledore sitting down at a desk, looking over at me with a short expression.

"Yes, Miss Slater?" he raised his eyebrows, looking at me.

"I need--" I stopped and stared at him for a few moments. That's when I realized, what the fuck am I doing here? Dumbledore most likely doesn't know anything about it. "I need to know about my---"

"Your prophecy?"

"You knew?" I questioned after I let out a short gasp.

"I had to. Let me guess, though -- you need to listen to your prophecy?" he questioned, and I nodded. "Of course," with a wave of his arm, a blue ball was in his hand. It was my prophecy. I stared at it intensely, anxiously. I needed to know what my future is. "You must hold it carefully, and hold it up. Once you do, you will hear a ringing in your ears. You will soon after hear your prophecy." He held out his hand, and I held out mine as well. The prophecy dropped into my hands and I breathed sharply.

I held it up higher, and it seemed as if the whole atmosphere changed. Everything was brighter and more colorful. I heard a ringing in my ears which was loud, and I winced. This was as Dumbledore said, I would soon hear it. Which I did. Not even two minutes later, I heard it.

"Two people had fallen into the midst of the darkest forces, being forced to travel together. Hatred and love filling a void between. Each from complete opposite ends, must fight a battle and succeed. One choice and one mistake can decide a humans fate, and determine one's life. One must make a sacrifice and conceal the truth, while others mourn."

I lowered the prophecy as the voice finished speaking. Professor Dumbledore was eyeing me carefully as I knew I had a shocked expression on my face.

A sacrifice. Conceal the truth. Mourn.

Two people. Darkest forces. Hatred and love. Battle.

I didn't know what any of it meant, and I was definitely desperately needing to know, but I knew I was never going to find out until it happened.

I was very shocked, and the prophecy had fallen out of my hand. Luckily, Dumbledore had caught it.

I watched as he held the prophecy in his hands. I felt uneasy.

"I-I have to go." I stammered, immediately rushing out of Dumbledore's office.

The uneasy feeling never left as I rushed through the castle's hallways, desperately attempting to avoid everyone at all costs. But of course, it's never that easy, is it?

I crashed into something hard, my head colliding with something. Or someone. When I looked up I was definitely pleased, yet not pleased to see the one person I was avoiding.

"Watch where you're going," Draco spat, his words laced with venom. He had a hard expression on his face as he scowled down at me. "Fuck." I scoffed at his words and pushed past him, purposely bumping his shoulder with mine.

There was nothing soft in Draco towards me anymore. It was hatred.

Pure venom.

Maybe I was in fact foolish.

𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗟𝗗 𝗢𝗙 𝗗𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥 | draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now