Chappie 1

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Jason P.O.V
Oh gods! I kissed that beautiful raven haired sea-green eyed boy. Yes your probably like hey what about Piper. Well It all started like this:
Gaia was defeated two years ago and the monsters were afraid of us....especially Percy. I was walking around mindlessly per usual when I saw Piper and Annabeth sucking each other's faces off. I mean seriously a Dementor would kiss like that! (You saw what I did there.)
"Oh gods Jason! I'm sorry I meant to tell you but you'd never listen. Oh and happy anniversary!" I stared at her with hatred burning in my eyes. How could she do this to me! I sprint towards Zeus cabin, but I inquired an obstacle.
"Grace what's wrong."Percy shouts. His bright green eyes screaming concern.
"Well my ex girlfriend is sucking the soul out of yours!"
"Oh me and Annabeth broke up a while ago." He said sadly.
"Well I'm going to leave now ba bye." I say. Again sprinting towards the Zeus's cabin. I hear the dinner bell but I ignore it. I flip down on the bed, and let out a sigh I hadn't realized I was holding.
I cleaned my self up and walked toward the arena. I flip my coin, and out comes my gladius. I attack the dummy with all the strength I could muster. Percy must have saw me enter, because when I looked up he was there watching my sweat covered body.
"See something you like Jackson?"
"No I wanted to make sure your ok." Why would he care? That really isn't like him.
"Whatever wanna spar I could really get used to beating you."
"In your dreams Grace." Uh huh, like that's going to happen.
"We all know you dream about me Jackson." A few slashes and blocks later we were both on the ground. He landed on top of me. I could feel heat rise up around my neck and up to my ears. His face was inches from mine and I did the worst thing I could probably do, I kissed him. I broke away and stared wides eyed.
"Ja-" I didn't here the rest of it. I sprinted really fast to my cabin. I got a few weird glances, but right now I couldn't care less. What did I get myself into.
*******End of Flashback*************
See I just ruined my chances. He's probably,
1 Straight.
2Gay but doesn't like me.
Hello _______
I am going to get you a name.Any who comment vote do all that stuff and also check out my demigods texting I NEEd IDEAS!!
See ya!

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