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I fall asleep real early
Just to wake up late the next day
I write myself silly, wishing it will all go away
Only to find I've got less to do and more to say

I pinch myself every day
Hoping I'd wake up with a whole life ahead
In between shivers, I pray it's just a bad dream
And that I've spent way too much time in bed

I always wonder where my guardian angel is
And why she let the gremlins steal my future plans
Am I not worthy of a life worth living
Even if it may not all be within my hands?

Imagine this year as a terrible one
Trapped in the same four walls for months
And with the world moving at light speed
I can't seem to give myself a break, not for once.

I don't have four years, let alone four months
To get it all done
I can't—
Relative as it may be
Still stops for no one

Stressfun (5 POEM SAMPLER)Where stories live. Discover now