first week drama

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IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A/N hey guys, just wanted to say make sure you eat, stay hydrated, and get all the sleep you need, and dont let anyone bring you down, you are a KING/QUEEN PERIOD THATS IT! AND IF YOU DONT BELEIVE ME THEN FIGHT ME BC YOU ARE A QUEEN/KING BABY! anyways, dont let people walk over you, know your place as queen/king babe ;) do what makes you happy, do what you want, not what others want! i want you YES YOU THE BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING READING THIS to take time out of your day to really focus on yourself, i love you, and i am SO beyond proud of you that you are here with us, you are so tough and brave babe, you got this, and i am always here for you and i always will be! happy reading <3

Rons POV:
"oh no" y/n whispered as her eyes widened "whats wrong?" i asked turning towards her "thats my-"
she began as the sorting hat cut her off "hmmm, Jonathan Climley! i know just where to put you!SLYTHERIN!" the sorting hat yelled as the slytherin table cheered.

i looked over at y/n who was whispering to Hermione, Hermione's eyes grew wide once y/n was done telling her something.

"we'll be right back guys" Hermione said grabbing y/n's hand and leading her out the great hall doors, i got up and followed behind them slowly making sure they didn't see me.

they walked into the hallway and stopped "HIM?! ARE YOU SURE THATS HIM?!" Hermione asked walking back and fourth as y/n stood there "yes! thats him! Jonathan Climley!" she said fiddling with her fingers, she did that when she was nervous.

"oh gosh! Ron is going to freak when he finds out your EX is here!" Hermione said, i felt a heat of jealousy come over me "he's your what?!" i said walking towards them

y/n POV:
"he's your what?!" i heard someone say as they approached us, it was Ron... "Ron! don't freak out!" Hermione said trying to calm him down "its too late for that!" Ron said crossing his arms and rolling his eyes "Ron, please don't be mad! just don't take your anger out on him, he's a nice guy! well...sort of..." i said remembering why we broke up.

"i already don't like him" Ron said eyeing Jonathan as we all sat back down in the great hall, "what happened?" Harry asked as he looked at all of us "that prick Jonathan, thats y/n's ex" Ron said rolling his eyes as i looked down at my food. "oh..." harry said sounding annoyed

after dinner we all headed back to our dormitories, we were almost to the painting of the Gryffindor tower, i always carried a bracelet my mom gave me when i was little in my pocket, when i reached my hand to grab it, it wasn't there, it had to have fallen out at the great hall

"dang it, guys i left something in the great hall!" i said "oh, i'll come with you" Hermione said "no thats okay mione, you guys should go on, i'll be real fast!" i said

"okay, you sure you don't want one of us to come with you?" Ron asked "i'm fine, thank you though" i said smiling walking back down the stair case as they walked the other direction.

i finally made it to the great hall and went to where i had been sitting, it wasn't there so i check everywhere at the table, "looking for this?" a familiar voice said, i closed my eyes and hoped it wasn't the person i thought it was

i turned around and sure enough, it was Jonathan, he was holding my bracelet, but he had to have stolen it "give it back jonathan!" i said not making eye contact with him "looks like someone hasn't been using their manners" he said still holding the bracelet

"hey, i'm talking to you, look at me!" he said stepping closer "just give me my bracelet and leave me alone jonathan!" i said still not looking at him "at least look at me!" he said "look at me!" he said grabbing my jaw and turning me to face him

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