spin the bottle

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(also i always forget to say this but fred and george are in the same year as us!)

Rons POV:
i woke up and surprisingly, y/n was still asleep.

she usually wakes up before me but i guess she was really tired, i didnt want to wake her up so i quickly slipped out of bed

i saw harry in the boys lavatory brushing his teeth so i quickly got dressed. i looked at the clock that read 5:30am.

it was a tuesday and classes started at 7:00. i decided i would let y/n sleep in a bit and tried to be as quiet as possible.

i walked into the boys lavatory as harry had just finished brushing his teeth and began getting dressed. i began to brush my teeth while harry found clothes to wear.

"hey ron, we have quidditch-" i cut him off "shh!" i said pointing at y/n as she was still asleep.

"right, sorry" he whispered getting dressed "today we have quidditch practice after school instead of this morning, i guess they changed it, not sure why." he whispered

i finished brushing my teeth and i started to look for my robe "i'll be back i think i left my robe in the common room last night" i said before walking out of the room

y/n POV:
"OW!" someone yelled waking me up "ron?" i asked as i rubbed my eyes still half asleep, unable to see who was standing in front of me "uh no, i-its harry, sorry for uh, waking you." he said rubbing his foot.

"its okay, what happened?" i asked wondering why he was rubbing foot "i-i stubbed my toe on the edge of the b-bed" he said stuttering "wheres ron?" i asked looking around the room

"oh, uh, h-hes in the common room looking for his um robe" harry said stuttering again, not making eye contact.

he was acting strange, like if he has never talked to me before, i mean we always talk but when we do, we're usually with people, we've never really had a one on one conversation, besides that one night at the burrow, and merlin knows that did not go well.

"oh...okay" i said looking away from him. just then the door opened "found it!" ron said, he noticed i was awake "oh your up! i was just about to wake you" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead

"yeah, i should go get ready, i'll see you in the common room" i said walking out the door.

i headed into the girls dormitories and saw that hermione was already up and dressed reading a book on her bed.

"oh hey y/n!" she said looking up from her book, "hey mione" i said picking out clothes to wear

"can i ask you a question?" i asked her as i sat down on my bed "of course" she said putting her book down and facing me to give me her full attention

"has harry been acting...strange, like around you, or at all?" i asked "well, not that i have noticed, why are you asking?" she said "well this morning, ron wasnt in the room, and it was just me and harry, and he was acting strange, like nervous kinda, he kept trying to avoid eye contact" i said

"oh thats strange, did you guys do something friends wouldn't do? like stay up late talking by the bathroom?" hermione said hinting at what happened between me and him at the burrow "mione! no! i'm dating ron! ew gross!" i said getting up "i'm just asking!" she defended herself

"he has been acting different since you guys...well you know" she said "but we told each other that it wouldn't affect out friendship" i began "could it be something else?" i asked

"well, i suppose maybe it could be something else, but i really think its about what happened that night. either way, you should talk to him, alone. just to see whats wrong, you know?" she said opening her book again

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