chapter 26

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I sat against the railings, looking nowhere understanding nothing.

Why? Why not me? It's all my fault. My fault since the very first. Since the time when I agreed to show him around.

A reminder of the view came to my mind which jolted me.

I turned the door knob to see who the fuck to doesn't pick up his phone. I thought of seeing something but saw something thing else.

I froze where I was. It was...... Blood. Tom. Lying in his..bed. hand out. Veins.... Cut. Blood dripping.

"TOM!!" I screamed.

The scenery made me cry even more louder. I clutched the letter he wrote for me and kept it besides his bed. Maybe a ..... Goodbye letter. It was written:

Dear Lisa,
First of all I am going to say sorry. Even if I know it won't work. You've no idea how much I love you. I am so sorry for leaving you alone on the street with our children. I never thought this would happen. Hell, I never thought that I would say hi to you cause first I didn't see you in the plane. I saw you watching my series with Sia. That time you really took my breath away and you looked really young. That's why I thought you wouldn't even turn around and say hi. But when I got to know you, it made me like you more. And then I fell in love. This time everything messed up in front of my eyes and I couldn't fix it. I really didn't knew how to make you believe. I never knew what I was missing in my life. And now that I saw what it was, it was holding me back. I couldn't turn back to my family whom I betrayed even not knowing. I could have did a bit of research. But no. That bastard luke had me under his control. Now I hope this makes you believe that it was a mistake. That it wasn't intentional. That I really thought you were lying. That I really love you and my kids more than myself. That I wasn't lying. I am really grateful that I met you in my life. And that you're the mother of my children. And you have really 2 precious cousins. I love how they stick to you. Please ask them to forgive me too. I can't even ask for forgiveness from you. What I did was outrageous. Unforgivable. But I am still asking for forgiveness. I am sorry. Another thing. I kept some papers under my clothes in the room I was staying. I named my property under three of your names. I took the names from uncle when you weren't around. And if you feel to, please explain all of it to your parents. I love you.

I was almost dead when Sia came and kneeled beside me. I hugged her tightly and sobbed as loudly as I could.

"W-why n-ot me?" I sobbed more louder .

We stood like that for a few minutes with Me ruining her shirt.

When I saw Tom I called sia and Maddie. Maddie Is taking care of our children.

God, I should have believed him. It's all my fault. I was mentally asking for forgiveness from him.

He was in ICU. We were standing outside it.

"Lissy everything is going to be fine"

"N-no , all m-my fault"I sobbed again.

Sia gave me a lot of encouragement and convinced me to sit up from the ground to the bench.

I showed her the letter and almost teared up.

I was sitting against Sia Still steaming Niagra falls when my parents and his parents came.

"Oh my god Lisa please tell me what happened?" Sarah came to me and the old fool I am, I started crying. Then Sia took the lead to explain everything , missing out our parts.

They all collapsed to the empty seats and started tearing up.

I guess it's the time they should know everything .

"Y-you guys wa-nna know w-what happened?"I asked and felt Sia's gaze upon me.

"What?" Emma and Diana said Together.

"The Truth?" I asked and they nodded.

And I started explaining everything from the first. Since the very moment we met to the present. Mum and his mum teared up.

"How are we gonna believe you?" Sarah's voice cracked. So I handed her the note. They all read and started to cry. I joined them.

"We're so sorry. So sorry," Diana said in between her sobs.

I didn't reply. I looked at uncle james who seemed to be like dressed by the great depression.

"Please forgive him" he said all of a sudden.

I looked at him again. I nodded.

"It w-was a-all my fault, I sh-ouldn't have sh-showed him around" I said.

My parents didn't say a single word.

We were crying when the doctor came out .

A.N- ah , last two chapters yayyy. Imma gonna miss this journey 😭😭

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