chapter 5

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I woke up when I heard someone calling my name.

"Darling we are almost here" he said.

"Sorry. How long did I sleep?" I asked as I sat up.

"3 hours and thirty minutes approximately . You slept well?" he asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for lending your shoulder to me" I chuckled and rubbed my eyes.

"You're most welcome. We will be there in 30 mins" he said with a smile. This is the best sleep I ever had. First of all, on my crush's shoulder who appears to the world famous Tom Hiddleston. Secondly waking up only to see him smiling besides you.

"Did I irritate you?" I asked as I turned my hair into a ponytail.

"Of course not. It was totally fine. You were very comfy. " He replied.

"Thanks again. So will a driver will come to pick you up ?" I asked.

"Um , yeah. BAFTA will do the arrangements. " Be replied.

"Your secretary or agent , what was his name? Oh yeah um Luke Windsor. Right ? So he is going with you?" I asked.

"You even know about him?" He asked , his mouth slightly open.

"Hell yeah, if I know about your favorite tea then why wouldn't I know about him." I replied.

He chuckled. " Yeah he is coming in the next flight"

"Oh. May I ask you something?"

"Sure darling"

"Is he really that mean and rude like they write fanfictions?"

He giggled " maybe. He can be sometimes . How do they write ?"

"Um , they write that he doesn't let you do anything out of your rules "

"That's right"

"Sometimes he's against your choices"


"He's against all those girls who likes you and you like them back"

"Um yeah . Kinda correct"

"He doesn't let you get into a relationship that's bad for you" I finished and saw his face getting down.

"Well, yeah that's true. He doesn't . I liked three people in my life with whom I couldn't get into a relationship" he said looking nowhere.

"I am sorry. I thought at least he didn't do this. It's your choice though" I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay. I know but he does for my best." I smile at me and I smiled back.

All of a sudden the pilot started to speak.

"Good morning passengers. We will be arriving in Shanghai shorty within 15 minutes. Thank you"

"Yayy" I said suddenly.

I heard Tom chuckled.

Who's going to pick you up?" He asked.

"Um my grandparents and uncle will come" I replied with a real smile.

Suddenly I saw he's face going down again.

"Is everything alright?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. Just , we had a great time right?" He asked . Awwww.

"Yeah. The best 12 hours of my life." I smiled thinking about our moments.

"I don't know if it's right to say , I know it has been 12 hours we knew each other but , I-I am really going to miss our talks" he said looking at me with puppy eyes.

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