Chapter 2

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We get to some sort of village with walls all the way around. One of my captors calls to a few people and everyone starts yanking me every direction. "Take her to my barn. But not a normal stall. Take her to-" he pauses as if thinking, "the room." The other one nods and he leads me to "the room".

The room is a horse stall but something is weird about it. Like a human could live in here too- oh my gosh. It's made for shifters. As I am left alone in my stall I notice everyone else. "Why are we here?" "To be sold," someone answers. "But why?" "Because a horse human is double useful. You can use it for transportation and as a servant." Uh oh. I don't bother answering the response so I am left there in an awkward yet unawkward situation.

Soon someone comes to my stall. He is a tall, strong-looking man. He has a few people with him. "Take her," the tall man says, pointing to me. They grab a rope hanging on the outside of my stall. I decide not to fight it as they come in my stall and attach the rope to a halter that was on me earlier. They lead me out and follow the man in charge.

We only stop when we arrive at a super fancy house-no, mansion that looks as if it cost about 50 million dollars. Of course though, they lead me to the backyard to a barn that looks very fancy on the outside and the inside except for the stalls. Obviously they wouldn't give their slaves the option to live in a fancy house like he does. It seems he has about 21 other horse shifter slaves. We stop at a stall numbered 22.

The walls outside of the stalls are chrystal clear glass. They lead me in the stall and close the door. I realize that it is not glass but is actually a one way glass where you can see through one side but the other side is covered with wood. The whole inside is a simple wood and the only way to look into the corridor is through the large, wooden door which is closed. Somehow the people open a window in the door. "You must never speak back to the master and you must always do what he says. No shifting to a human unless he wants you to and lastly you must never go in his house. Good luck as his horse." They close the window and I am guessing they walk away because I thought I heard footsteps but the stall is slightly sound proof.

I stand there for a moment thinking of what to do when I realize there is nothing. I shiver from the cold, damp feeling of the room as I look around for a way out. I am lonely and scared and those are not two good combinations.



So I was gonna get a chapter out for The Broken Hearted Horse but some people have been commenting for me to update and I noticed that I have like 70 readers for one chapter already so I decided to finish this one for you. Maybe I can finish The Broken Hearted Horse chapter tomorrow. Anyway I hope you liked it. Sorry if it was short. I just wanted it finished tonight so you could read it. Goodnight my dear readers. Have a great day. :)

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