Chapter 5

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  I know one thing is for sure. I'm going to stay here for a while. But I will escape, even if I still stay here for two years. We arrive at a building on the other side of the city and I look up to see a sign. HSP. What is HSP? I ask mostly to myself. I'm sure Luna won't answer when she is frustrated and maybe angry she needs a few days to herself. I don't expect her to talk maybe twenty minutes afterwards.

The lady looks at me and I recognize her from the library place. "I don't even need a test for her, take her to number 46." She hands one of the guards something I don't understand and we walk down a hallway. Many people look over at us and I start to feel something inside. It's almost a chilling fear. Like my blood is being frozen. But on the outside I'm normal.

   -Luna!- I scream in my head. Something's wrong, I know it. I hear a scream return to me, but it isn't mine echoing. That was Luna's. I jump backwards. The guards look at me weirdly before continuing to lead me to wherever I am going.

   -LUNA!- She doesn't respond but I feel like I know what this place is. I wasn't paying attention but apparently we have already passed the first hallway, the second hallway, and have just reached the door on the third hallway.

  A wave of the chilling fear hits me from the outside and we turn to the right passing dozens of clear walls all showing a person, mostly girls. There is a sign on every one of them showing their name, age, and......
Horse Shifter-35.

    We pass more all showing their name age along with Horse Shifter-38 or 42. Finally we come to mine, Horse Shifter-46. They open the clear door and I walk inside, I don't even look at the door. I'm not going to see anything. It's one way glass and I finally know what HSP is. Horse Shifter Prison, but abbreviated so when they take a horse shifter there they won't fight as hard, because they don't know how bad it will be.

   I go back to trying to talk to Luna.    

  -Hey, are you there?-

  I hear a loud noise like someone is trying to punch down a wall, but failed. It stops and I hear the tiniest of whispers. If it hadn't been completely quiet where I was, then I never would have heard it.

   -LUNA!- I yell because I think there is some sort of barrier between us. She tried to yell but it turned out as a whisper. -Where are we? I can't see anything anymore, just a gray room. Gray walls, gray floor, gray ceiling.-

   The whisper is so quiet, but maybe a little louder then last time and I understand. -We are in a horse shifter prison. I think they have done something to the room so horse shifter•- I'm cut off but I don't know why. Oh right, I need to yell to break though the wall. I repeat my words to her in a yell and finish my sentence.


  -Ok we should stop talking for now. My throat hurts from the yelling-

   This might be true but I think she is lying, I think she is still upset from about an hour ago, and she wants to be alone.  I forgot about our little fight thing and was already going to talk to her, I feel bad now and suddenly with this in mind, I drift off to sleep.


   When I wake up I am still in the room and I know this is how it will be for a while. Until I get even close to a chance to get out. But this will be a while because my food is given through a small hole on the floor that a mouse could barely get through, let alone a human or horse. (Ok maybe I exaggerated about the mouse thing, but still)

   Now as I sit in this tiny prison cell for a week, two, three, and finally four, my greatest wish is to see grass, or sunlight. Escape is just a fairytale and even if they opened the door once I would never be able to run away, past the guards, past the cameras, past the many many hallways. Luna and I haven't talked since the first day, not because she is still mad (well maybe a little) but because we don't want to yell back and forth. Especially when we don't have anything to talk about.

   Maybe one day if I get so bored I plan an escape that will never happen. But for now, I can sit here, leaning against the wall wishing that I could just talk to a person, any person, even the library lady. Maybe especially the library lady.

   Suddenly someone barges into the room and I jump up. I recognize that face, from where, I don't know. The guards try to pull him back and I wonder how he even got in the room. "That's the Only! Give me The Only!"



   875 words. Not bad considering I was about to end it at like 700 when she fell asleep. Can anyone guess who the guy was? :) Also what do you think of Luna? And you have probably put Lily's past together? Well bye for now. I hope you liked the unexpected chapter.

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