Chapter 4

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I have escaped. I am free. Even though I live in a complete flat area that stretches for miles, I am not afraid. I still have a forest nearby even if it is on the opposite side of the village. I am not sure if I should head back to the herd and put them in danger too, or stay in the village as Jessica Stone. If I ask more people than they will put together that I am a "suspicious individual" that asks about the Only.

Than maybe they will realize that I am the Only and I will probably die by the people who wanted to kill me in the first place, but were stopped by those who are the reason I'm alive. I sigh, a plan had come to mind. It will be one of the stupidest, most dangerous things I could do. But it will get me the most information.

I stand up, breathe in deeply, and start walking. It's time. Many people (who no doubt heard about the suspicious individual with probably a description) look at me weirdly. I ignore them and continue walking to the middle of the village where the horse shifter barn is. I need information.

I ask the first person I see, (a blonde, middle height lady) "My hu-" I start to say husband but realize I am a bit young to be married at 18. So I decide to be less descriptive. "Someone I know has been wanting to see if they could question one of the Only's living family members. Unfortunately they had something important to do today so they wanted me to do it. Do you think it would possible if I could see one, or if possible, two of her family members?"

The lady looks at me shocked. "Is there a problem?" I say. I look behind me remembering what happened yesterday. No tornado is there though so I face her again. She still looks at me except her shock turns more into fright and I am afraid she might faint. "Excuse me ma'am are you ok?"

She seems to be staring into me as if remembering the worst day of her life, when she was the most scared. I step forward to tell her she is ok, nothing is going to happen to her. As she still looks frightened to death, but maybe a little less, she says, "I- am the Only's mother. You are the-" she pauses as if saying it will get her self killed. Then she finishes talking with an almost normal look on her face. "Run Lily. Run and don't return."


"Wha- what do you mean? What's wrong?" I ask even more questions but she doesn't answer. She starts speaking so fast I can barely keep up. "I loved you, I never stopped. It was your father. You have an older sister. Four years older. And a younger sister. Four years younger. Run now or we will both be killed!"

She hurries off to the barn as if someone is coming. But maybe there is someone. I walk off, fighting every urge to not shift and gallop off as fast as I can. Or at least run on human legs.

When I am almost to the exit of the village I see my reflection in a window. But something is there that wasn't there before. There is a sort of light shining through. I stop walking to the exit and take a few steps closer to the window. A burning pain inside runs through me quickly but disappears almost instantly. I stare at what is wrong with my reflection in the window. My reflection is glowing a reddish yellow. It seems like a problem and I know why. This doesn't happen to normal people, not even normal horse shifters, or werewolves.

I start running to the gate despite the screaming inside that I am being so obvious, I will get caught if I don't get out now. But no one is between me and eternal freedom so I run and when I get to the exit I notice something that wasn't there before. Guards. Two of them and they don't look happy or friendly. "Come with me," one says in a low serious voice. Why?" I ask. "We have a horse shifter on the loose. The gates will be guarded day and night until she is caught."

I open my mouth to say more, too ask why I can't just leave, but I know why. "No more questions. Come with me," the same rough sounding guard says. I want to fight it, to run away but then I will definitely be put somewhere, at least now I have a chance. A chance of having that eternal freedom. I think back to that lady.

-That lady was your mother- Luna says this as if I had said something insulting. I ignore this

-Luna you haven't talked in so long-

-That's because I'm trying to get over your stupidity-


-Your mom told you you had to run and you still asked questions. When that guy came to you yesterday you asked him the dumbest question and the lady at the library. You controlled a tornado in front of her, Lillian and-

I cut her off -Why did you just call me Lillian?- I ask suspiciously

-That's what your mom called you...-

But I can suddenly see something different. Something was missing and now it is being connected. And now I say it, without even questioning her, I know it.

-You remember-

-What, no-

-You remember everything. The werewolves attacking, my family, what happened when I was dropped off-


-Don't. Why didn't you tell me? Why won't you tell me?-

-It's better if you don't know-

-No it's not. I've spent my whole life, my life that I remember, trying to figure my life story out and here you are inside me, literally, and won't say one word. You didn't even tell me my name. You let me call myself Luna-

There is silence and I feel her presence disappear. Instantly I know that I made another stupid choice. Now my other half, the one that makes the choices, is gone. And as I walk right into captivity with two guards, that is the worst thing to have happened.



1034 words. I was going to end at the part where the guards were there but then I remembered Luna. And I thought why not add her and Lily fighting. So that's my chapter. I hope you guys like it. Bye for now. :D

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