Chapter 3

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The first thing I know is I will not be here for one more day. There is no way I am going through this for another day. I have been her for only one working day and I will not do this again. I don't know how but I am going to run away.

When night comes I am exhausted from doing every form of work you could think of. I look out my stall to the pond outside. If I was a water shifter than I would be out of here right now. Suddenly I get an idea. I close my eyes trying to summon the earth and air at the same time. The walls are strong enough to support one element but what about two?

I step away still summoning the dirt and air. I imagine them twisting around. I open my eyes to see what I have made. I have made a tornado made of air and dirt, so it is twice as strong. It flies toward me but I don't jump. I can't die from my own tornado.

It works just as well as I planned. It tears down my stall and I take off, not even trying to control it. I make sure it doesn't come after me, directing it mainly at the "master's" house. Unfortunately I don't get to see the destruction but I get to hear the screams and shouts.

I don't even know where to go because there are no forests in the village and we are centered right in the middle. I go behind some random house and shift. They don't recognize my human form but it is better than horse form. I haven't been in human form for many years. It's hard to walk when you have been on four feet for almost all of your life.

I walk towards a giant building labeled Main House. I notice many people on the way there, no one even looks at me. After I get inside I look for someone, anyone. "Hello, how can I help you?" A random lady says. I turn around to look at her. She looks friendly and seems like she might have information. "Do you know where I could find anything that tells me about the Only?" She looks horrified. My smile fades, "Is there a problem?" Suddenly I realize she is looking behind me. I look out the window to notice my tornado headed right towards us. Oh that's the problem. I can't help but smile a little, but I hide it so she can't see. I close my eyes and control it so it turns back around toward some other building.

"So do you have information about the Only?" She looks at me, "Um yes but I need to know what your name is and why you need it." She grabs a pen and paper and looks at me. "Um, Lily Gray," I say panicked. She looks at me confused. "Different village," I say embarrassed. Lily Gray is actually the most recent foal to be born in my herd.

She looks at me confused, "I didn't know there was a different village around here." She is starting to look suspicious so I say something quick, "It's pretty far away. The reason I'n asking for information is because I saw a horse herd and the leader was really fast, unnaturally, and I thought it might be the Only," I say with a smile.

"Ok, one second." She goes into another room. I look inside and realize it is a library. I take a few steps closer because I think I hear her voice. "Yes, a suspicious individual asking for information on the Only. Says her name is Lily Gray, didn't sound convincing and she said she thought she saw the Only." I don't even listen any more. I take off out the door.

I head to a different building and lean against it. I need a convincing name and reason I am here. Ok think, I tell myself. It can't have anything to do with Lily or Gray. What's a common name that isn't really that common? Jessica! I guess. Ok Jessica Stone.

I walk towards another building that isn't labeled. "Hey my name Is Jessica Stone. Do you know where I can find information on the Only?" The girl (who is about my age) looks at me weirdly. "Um I don't know. The main house? Who asks about the Only? Everyone knows the Only's memory was fixed so she couldn't be a threat any more." She starts to walk away.

"Wait!" I say. "Do you know anything else? Like what village the Only lived in?" "Well the Only was a three year old in the village of Saint Peter a few miles away but it was completely wiped out by us and some other village we allied with. We took most of the members captive because they were horse shifters." "Is there any family of the Only still living?" "Yeah, I think the mom and sister. She only had one maybe two actually but her sister was a few years older than her. I think four."

I'm starting to feel emotional so I have to go, even though she had information. I lean against another house. I have a sister, maybe two. I have family. Somewhere. I start to feel a tear coming as I realize that they didn't care about me. They didn't love me. They dropped me off to be a wild horse.

"What are you doing?!" I hear a loud angry voice. I look at the person. He looks mad and he is strong so I regret the words even before they come out of my mouth. "I would like information on the Only." I wipe a tear away quickly. He looks at me suspiciously. "Why? Everyone knows the Only died. Well there are still some people who believe someone dropped her off to give her a chance at life." He pauses as if regretting telling me anything. "Go now or I will call the Inspectors to question you."

I turn around and walk off quickly, trying not to run. I don't know where to stop. I run over the information in my mind. Something happened to my village, attacked by werewolves probably. Something happened to me, they messed my memories up. They then dropped me off. But who did? And why did that girl not believe that the Only was dead like the guy believes?



Ok I am soooooooo sorry. I thought I finished this like a month ago. I took one of my breaks and came back and it wasn't finished!! Well now that I have started getting into the book and have a good story line planned out, the updates should be faster. I wish I could update again but I have other books I need to get to. (And I forgot to put how many words it was and I can't see anymore because the words count the A/N too) Well bye guys. And sorry again.

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