Episode 23

194 6 0

Soyeon POV

Waking up, I notice I was at a hotel room.

Running over to the window, I look out the view, showing me many more skyscrapers as this one and colourful lights.

Squinting my eyes I grasp where I was in. Japan.

I needed to tell others I was fine, so far.
I'd tried the phone, no surprise that it had no dial tone. The door was locked and I couldn't attract attention at this height from any living creature but the birds. That left telepathy. I wonder if it were even possible. I only tried it over a short distance, which itself brought nausea to me.

This was all too much for me to take in. I felt out of place, unable to focus. The wonderful high definition
perception I had with Taeyong had collapsed, throwing me back into my old Manga-izing habits, flat colours,
disjointed images. I hadn't realized until separated by hundreds of miles how I'd come to take his presence near me almost for granted. Even if we couldn't spend a lot of time together, I'd had the reassurance that he was there. He'd grounded me, making all that I was learning about the savant world less frightening. Now I was open to all fears and wild
guesses as to what was going to happen. He'd been my shield, not the ones I'd practised in my head.

I hadn't seen it, but he had been acting as my soulfinder all along, even though I hadn't acknowledged him. Now it was too late to tell him. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe I could reach him.


Nothing. I probed the darkness in my head, feeling
the absence of the muffling blanket that had been in place when I was kidnapped.

Taeyong? Can you hear me?

No reply. I pressed my fingers to my temples. Concentrate. Perhaps Taeyong was asleep too?
No, he wouldn't be. He wouldn't be sleeping knowing I'd been taken. He'd be straining to hear the least word from me. Perhaps what I was trying was impossible?

I paced the room for a moment, my toes sinking into the deep pile of the rug. Or maybe I just didn't know what I was doing? I thought back through the things Zed had told me about telepathy, how he had made contact with me despite himself.

After an hour of migraine-inducing thought, I felt a change, a subtle flow of energy in the other direction.


Soyeon? His thoughts sounded faint, moving in and out of reach like a thread of a cobweb dancing in the wind.
I'm in Tokyo. His shock was clear enough. You can't ... How
can you ... me ... Tokyo?

You tell me. You're the savant, remember?

... miracle ...

I'm OK. They've got me on the top floor of the Treasure .

Can't ... you. Breaking ...

Treasure. Top floor. My head was screaming with the pain of maintaining the bridge but I was determined to get my message through.
I ... you.

He wasn't hearing me. Irepeated my location.

... love you.... come for you.


Easier ... closer.

No, no. It's a trap.

The bridge was collapsing. I could feel it going, feel my stomach churning, head pounding. Just a moment longer. I love you too, but
don't come. It's what they want.


He'd felt the link fracture, scrambling my last words.

'Taeyong ' I was on the floor, perspiration running down my back, nausea gripping my stomach. I crawled on hands and knees to the bathroom and was sick.

Though shaky, I felt a little better for it. Hauling myself to the bed, I fell on the covers face down and passed

Poor Soyeon 😖

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