Prologue Part 2

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''November 2004''

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''November 2004''

After I had picked Stiles and Scott up from school I drove them to blockbuster to rent a movie or two and get some candy. It was Friday after all.

I often helped our parents out with Stiles and Scott, gladly I might add. I loved these two little ones even if they are ten years old. I really hope they don't end up like jackasses when they are older because then it would be my fault.

Dad had his hands full at work and with our mom, and Melissa was working her butt off to make everything go around on a resident paycheck. She's almost done with her education and is getting her degree in four months. Then she is officially a nurse. It didn't help when Raphael took off, but I help out where I can.

I even took up a shift here and there when I can at the diner outside of town. And sometimes I help babysit the kids in our neighborhood. Jackson is a handful but he has a good heart. But I really try to focus all my energy on Stiles, he's my little brother after all.

"You dorks pick anything good," I asked as I walked around the corner of a movie rack.

"YES, they got Star Wars!" I heard Stiles yell at the top of his lungs. It's our favorite movie to watch. It's my fault he's hooked on it. Mom and dad told me not to let him watch it but what kind of sister would I be if I didn't. It's one of the best movies ever made. Laura would disagree but eh.

"I don't want to watch Star Wars Stiles, I want to watch Shrek 2 they finally got it on DVD" Scott whined to Stiles.

Sometimes they are hilarious to watch when they bicker.

"Why don't we get both, you can watch Shrek first, and then after dinner, you can watch Star Wars," I told them as I saw their smiles take place on their faces.

I took them over to the candy and stiles chose Reese's and Scott m&m's, personally, I prefer to eat my snacks out of a cereal box.

I rented the movies and took them home and made some mac and cheese so that they wouldn't be hungry until dinner. Dad would be home in 10 minutes, so I made sure my boys were okay before hugging them and left them to pick up Laura. She was waiting at our study spot a bit away from the school. It was a quiet place and few people around.

"Finally I've been waiting for an hour, your lucky I had homework to do," Laura said a bit grumpy as she placed her butt in the seat next to me.

"Sorry, I had to make sure they were fine before leaving and double-check with dad to make sure he was coming home. I can't just leave two ten-year-olds alone for three hours who knows what they'll come up with. You know Stiles he would have flipped the entire house upside down." I said with an amused tone in my voice.

"Yeah yeah I know. Now drive"

"I saw the Argents on my way here, I think they're up to something. I have this feeling that someone is going to die Laura. It's not good."

"They are always up to something, especially the older one, Gerard I think his name is. They killed a child last week, shot an arrow right through his throat. He was from Ennis pack. Derek witnessed it, he was lucky Peter was there. Plus if they were to do something you can just blast some of that vibration powers you got holding up in that tiny body of yours," She said in a joking manner.

"Laura I'm serious. You need to tell your family to stay inside tonight, Derek especially, we all know he sneaks out to be with Paige. But he has to listen this time. And we need to keep a lookout for Gerard."

"I Know, It's okay Luisa, we will figure something out. How do you know all of this anyway, you've had these powers for like three months now. Can you tell the future? Can you tell mine? Can you see some hot tall blonde guy in my present future?" She said getting excited.

I laughed, I honestly don't know but I know that if I don't act fast on these feelings or on these things I see then the entire Beacon hills will go down the drain. It will become a warzone. I can see it, the entire beacon hills population turning on each other.

"We're here," I said as I parked my car outside of the Hale house.

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