Chapter 5

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Reagan point of view
I'm afraid to change
I think today is seems to be a good day in the morning waking up to my alarm clock even though I still feel tired because I chose to go to a party yesterday which I do not mind it much except for the a mist stinky of sweaty body dancing filled the air around me , I made a smart decision not to get drunk at last night , however I did meet a really great boy yesterday  outside the party when I decided to go outside to get some fresh air we talk for a while until I got a call from my mum who sounded really worrisome because she just read the largest fan mail about one creepy man sent her which somehow says he knows her every single moves , the place where her  hotel room is, he knows about me and he plans to visit the both of us.
I think it is a really bad dream until my grandparents seem really worried when they see me walking down the stairs and then they stop having their discussion  because they did not want to find out what happened in a newspaper articles or on the newsfeed.

"Good morning Reagan how did you sleep last night?" My grandpa asks me looking around trying to avoid eyes contact with me meanwhile my grandma is whistling overtly cleaning around the kitchen that is a already look spotless and this is when I know something is really up with everyone else because my grandma does not over clean the kitchen unless something is really bothering her.

"Good morning grandpa is anything going on because you two both seems to be acting really odds this morning every since I walks into this kitchen?" I ask them a question because they both were avoiding eye contact with me and very strange too.

I pull out a seat for myself to sit down on, looking at both my grandparents for answers until my grandma finally finds the courage to speak up .

"Listen to me alright Reagan because I would hate to be a bearer of bad news to you but you will have to live your life in a different country far away from us for your own safety"my grandma said with sadness in her eyes and my grandpa try to comfort her dearly.

I see sad tears running down my grandmother eyes and in this very moment is when i  finds out that i have to pack up my bags all to leave to a whole another different country.

"Your grandmother is right Reagan because we also need you to be safe so , we have both ordered you flight to life your life in your mum friend call auntie Melissa beach house" my grandpa said confirming the news with a sad sigh escape from his mouth and he brings us into a small group hug of our own.

I try to remain calm because I know no one is to really blame for this but the person who is a constant threat or danger to my mother and i life.

"It is that all and when do I have to leave grandma or grandpa?" I ask them to tell me about which day I go to move out of this house just so I can start packing up my suitcases now.

They both look at each before my grandpa give my grandma an encouraging nod.

"Actually darling you have to leave tomorrow morning at ten thirteen pm because it is the earliest date and time we could possibly find"my grandma said trying to break this new piece of information to me in the most gentle manner or way that she could by using her softly and sliding a bowl along with a tub of ice cream to me.

I could not even see the look on both their faces with this heart breaking news must have really gotten to them.

I decided to run upstairs, starting packing my bags, eating a half a tub of ice cream, taking down all my photo collage of my mum , Rhea , my grandma, grandpa and I on every single last good memories that we had together.

"Reagan , I just want you to know that we will always be with you in your heart and you will always be with us in our heart no matter how far away or further the distance is" my grandpa tell me that they will always will be there for me and slide note underneath my bedroom door.
I reads it as it says:
We always just one phone calls away, you can contact us through your bodyguard and please stay safe.

Lots of love from grandma Elisa grandpa Stanley.

"I miss you too and thank you for always bringing me up and being there for me when I needed you guys the most. I love you the both of you and tell grandma not to worry about me alright" i said to back to my grandpa and he walks down the stairs.

I crying to myself to sleep not before contacting my best friend or looking back on our photo album.

"We love you too . I will try to make her smile again and it is time for missy to go to sleep" my grandpa said to me before I drifted off to sleep.

I do not want to leave the only place that I call home or feel like home but I guess it is for my safety and my mum telling a part of the news is not a dream.

I never felt more alone in my life.

Poor Reagan have to leave everything behind and move to another different from where she was living with her grandparents .
Comment on how you would feel if you were in the same situation as Reagan?

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