Chapter 15

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Cohen point of view
I will also love you like the sun love the moon that he dies every day just to let her shine.

What is normal again ?

She been in my mind since the first day I met her and I just cannot get of mind since because she been running through my mind all day long yet we have different backgrounds, places , friends, schools etc.

I am captures by her radiating glow every time she steps in a room and every single person head spins looking at her.

"You deserve someone as rare as you" i said to her hoping that she will believe and never compare herself to supermodel or actresses because they can always never amount to her beauty.

I caresses her face with one hand while using my hand to hold her back gently as I leans in for a kiss and my oh my her lips are the softest lips that I ever kiss in my life.

This time she did not hesitate to my affection because she seems to be enjoying herself when she is kissing me back but then we break apart to get some air.

"The first time when you were about to kiss me and I hesitated in doing so. It is not because I did not like but in fact truly did like you and still do." I said rumbling little bit more about the other day he try to make a move on me.

She is continuing to rumble on about last Saturday night when we were watching a movie and i pulls her into me for a kiss  unexpectedly however that she was not completely ready for it .

Although I remember that day make me question myself if she really do have the same feelings for me as i do for her.

"Hey Reagan save your breath and I completely understand why you freeze up that day"I said to her lifting her head up to face me again and I am not going to pressure until she is ready to act on her own impulses instead of shying away from me.

Her eyes have their own vocabulary what a beautiful language to learn ,I bridge her between my arms and look deeply into her eyes to see that she feel the same way too.

"It does not change my feelings for you Princess because you will always have my heart" I added in pushing her hair behind her ears as she keeps quiet and watch me with her eyes when I walks away to get my motorcycle ready for our drive to school.

Her outfit is simply driving me crazy especially when she just looks with a little hint of innocence in her eyes ,  she says my name and give me her endearing smile in my direction.
"Cohen that is not why I move away from you at all" She said sadly to me with a sad smile on her face when her eyes are looking anywhere but at me.

She follows me out ours house to stand in front of me to tell me what on her mind even though I know she is really struggling to tell what is holding her back.

"Will you please just stop and listen to what I have to say to you, Cohen?" She adds in asking me to listen to her reasons why she cannot act on her feelings because I know she can feel it too.

I slowly turn around to lean onto our front door waiting patiently to hear her response and I can tell that she frustrated for trying to find the right words to say.

"I will make it easier for you , Reagan because the agency says that it will be for the best if we are boyfriend and girlfriend"I said to her know all to well that she doesn't have to worry about me losing my job.

She looks really quite flushers from blushing when she heard me say boyfriend and girlfriend until she finally snap out of her  overthinking about this whole big ordeal.
"But still how would I know that you don't break my heart or call quits on our  hypothetical relationship halfway through it ?" She ask me being very sceptical about opening her heart up for a change.

I just want to kiss her lips in that very moment to tell her that I got her for life and nothing else is going to hurt her.
"I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be fine Rea but listening sometimes  life does not goes the way you want it to go" i explains to her the way the world works out in the end.
Reagan point of view
Err I am so fed up with myself knowing that I like him however I just can't tell him how I feel without freezing up on him every single damming times.

I feel like my mind is going through a loop for lot of different reason yet as for my heart it tell me to just say the words even though I feel like my mouth might stubble on my words.
"Cohen that is not it at all"i said desperately to him trying to find the right words to say without embarrassing myself in front of him.

I hopefully I will be able to hold back my words vomit in my mouth to actually start making sense of my emotions for him in my sentence.
"What do you mean then?"he asks me to explain myself more to him even though I get the sense that he understand me kinda of in a some sort of way.

Here it goes Reagan you chance to express yourself by saying how you feel about him even though I do question myself a lot about what I really want sometimes I say to myself in my head.
"I don't really know what I want Cohen but I think that I might want you" I said shyly to him.

I never really cared about dating boys or boys in general until I met him because he makes me laugh, smile, feels happy and I get those nervous jitters anytime he is around me.
"Well I will always be here for you until you finally figure out what it is that you want" he said reassuringly to me that his mind will never astray away from me.

I am overthinking about everything like would this effect his job , will it messes our friendship up and most of this is my first time having someone that likes me the same way I like them back.
"I'm okay because I don't want to waste your time on me with my dysfunctional life. What if something goes wrong during this whole process?" I ask him listing a couple or few things that could happen that might affect the both of us.

I don't want to give up him up neither way but he deserves a stable girlfriend that doesn't have to hides away from other people just because she might get kidnapped.
"And what if I tell you that I don't want anyone else but you?What if I can work around this problem and solves it for us?"he ask me.

I wish I could have the same mindset as him being so very calming about this whole entire situation but hold on for a second did he just say that I am the only girl that he only ever wants.

I am being delusional or do actually hear him say those exact words to me right about now?
"I-I don't know if I hear you right but can you please say that again just so I know I am not completely delusional?"I ask him to just repeat it once more time until I am certain that I am not really hearing things.

He walks closer to me and sits on my bed right beside me to pull me into his arms. He then suddenly started to chuckles at me with his amazing deep velvety sound that he makes when he laughs finds a jokes funny or someone say something that makes him laugh.
"Of course do therefore I mean every single words that i say to you.Rea"he said honestly to me.

I really need to control the storm of butterflies that are going out of control in my stomach right now and I can feel myself slowly yet surely starting to fall even more in love with him.
"You are right along. I believe that we get through this dark, terrible and uncertain times together" I said agreeing with him.

I don't know if it is normal to feel this type of way about person the same way I feel about him but I guess nothing is really starting to feel normal again.

What is normal again ?

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