chapter 2

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Afte retieveing the powerful relic from Gaea's temple Hestia quickly made her way back Olympus to bring the relic to her family. As she reached the center of Olympus she quickly called a the gods to gather. When the gods began to gather the tension began to rise between the gods gathered as they each wanted to know if Hestia managed to retrieve the relic.  Soon Hestia appeared holding the relic in her hands showing that she accomplished the task she set out to take. When the gods laid their eyes on the they were in awe of it's beauty for they have never seen such a beautiful object in their lives. A feeling of hope was starting to enter the gods as they thought they could finally bring an end to this war.

Zeus asked Hestia if she was spotted by any of the giants when she went to retrieve the relic. She said 🔥"I made sure that no one followed me or even felt my presence when i went to retrieve the relic." 🔥 Soon the relic began to glow in myriad of colors the dominant one being green, blue and red. Hestia soon began to feel the energy of the relic take over her and had her say 🔥"by the order of the family of light who wield this relic come forth to assist us"🔥. Soon three large circle's began to appear each of them radiating an intense light which soon began flood the room. The gods quicky began to cover their eyes as the light began to overwhelm them. Soon the light began to fade away and standing before Hestia were three figures that each possesed an intense aura around them. The first was a man who stood tall, looked as if he was born from the very essence of the sea . He possesed the appearence of a strong and attractive male with a body of a warrior. His presence reminded many of the gods of the sea wild, unctrollable, and unpredictable. Many of the goddesses could not take their eyes of the man. The second figure was shorter than the first but it's height did not take away from its appearence. The second figure possesed an androgynous appearence as the gods could not tell if their gender was either a man or woman. But his appearence was attractive as he possesed a frail figure which reminded many gods of a beautiful flower in bloom. Some of them could not take their eyes away from them. The third figure soon grabed the attention of many of the male gods as they were entrance by the appearence of beautiful woman. Many of the male gods found themselves lost when they looked at her curvacious figure. Her presecence made many gods take a step back because they felt as if they were standing in front of a powerful beast.

Soon the entities said 🦢💐🦈"Why have you called us eldest child of rhea"🦈💐🐉. Their voices resonated along the room with power. It took a while for Hestia to regain her composure and answer until she found her voice and said 🔥"I called you to assist us in ending the war between the giants and bring an end to the Gigantomachy once and for all"🔥. The three entities soon look at each other as they bagen to discuss if they sould assist the gods in fighting in this war. The gods watch watch anxiously as they awaited for the three entites decision. Soon they came to a conclusion and said🐊🌺🐬 "We will assist you in ending the war between the gods and giants "🐬🌺 🐅. The god were greatly relieved that three entities agreed to assist them and their morale began to grow more when they heard that zeus managed to pursuade two of the giants to join them aswell. 

(P.S. the emoji i used is to show when the entities are talking. The flower based emoji is to represent Neophytos, while the various sea animals and water emoji represent Arnav, and finally all the animal emoji represent Addax.)

(P.P.S the picture below shows what Hestia looks like in the story. I don't own the artwork it belongs to Genzoman one of my favorite artist.)


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