chapter 1

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Flashback to Gigantomachy

[underline and bold and italic mean what the character is thinking and saying]

"During the war between the Giants and Gods the Olympians were facing devastating casualties and wre close to losing the war. The Goddess Hestia saw what was happening and feared that her family would lose the war. So she beseeched the powerful entity Chaos and asked the ancient deity for a way to end this war in favor of the gods and to finally stop the gigantomachy. So chaos appeared before the desperate goddess and told her of a way to defeat the the Giants and end the war once and for all. Chaos informed her of a powerful relic that could call on three powerful entities that were born from the primordials that would help end the war between the Giants and Gods. He showed an image of a temple which belonged to Gaea that housed the powerful relic and granted her an amulet that would allowed her acces to the temple be able by pass the powerful barrier that covered the temple so that she and only she could retreive the powerful relic. So with the knowledge given to her by Chaos she departed to inform her family about the quest she was about to go on.

Hestia pov.

🔥"I was hesitant to tell my siblings and the rest of my family about the knowledge that lord Chaos gave me but i can't. I refuse to lose more of my family to this horrible war so i gathered all my family to inform them of what i know".🔥 All the gods gathered to were the Goddess of hearth has called them to each of them wondering what it could be so important that they needed to stop the war meeting. 💀"So what is the reason behind calling us Hestia" 💀said Hades. 🔥"I have spoken with lord Chaos" 🔥Hestia said causing all the gods to gasp and to start whsipering to one another each wondering what happen. As the whispering began to grow louder until Zeus decided to intervene ⚡"SILENCE"⚡ he shouted casing all the gods to stop, he soon motioned Hestia to continue were she left off. 🔥''Lord Chaos has informed me about a powerfule relic that we could us to finally end this war between us and the giants" 🔥Hestia said causing many of the gods gasp and soon started to shout questions each of them demanding answers until Poseidon shouted 🌊"ENOUGH" 🌊causing all the gods to stop. He soon turn his attention bact to the goddess of the hearth and asked 🌊"what else did lord Chaos say about this relic that help us in this war"🌊 .  "He said that this relic can summon three powerful entities that were born from two of primordials" Hestia said causing many gods to become astonished at such news. 💀"So where is this relic"💀 said Hades, 🔥"he said it is hidden in a temple that belong to Gaea and that is protected by a powerful barrier"🔥 Hestia said 🌾"but how can we even enter the temple if we can't get pass the barrier"🌾 said Demeter 

 🔥" Lord Chaos gave me an amulet that would allow me and only me to pass throught the barrier and retrieve the relic" 🔥said hestia. The many gods and goddess began to protest until Zeus intervened ⚡" SILENCE " ⚡. His demand silenced the other gods and soon urged Hestia to head to go the tem[ple quickly and retrieve that relic. He quickly ended the meeting and made everyone return back to their stations. 

After the meeting had ended Hestia made sure to quickly head to the temple and made sure to disguise herself in order not to draw the attention from the Giants about the Godess's plan. When she arrived at the front of the Temple she was astounded at what she saw. the temple was covered in the most beautiful plants she has ever seen. The plants looked as if they were made from the most beautiful gems and had a glow that reminded her of the stars above. As she approached the temple she soon took notice of the statues of various beast who appeared as if they were actually alive and about to attack any intruder who dared to intrude upon this sacred ground. She made sure use the amulet Chaos has granted her to allow her bypass through the barrier. She soon reached the center of the temple which is where the relic was held and when her gaze landed upon the relic she was entranced by its appaerence it was entwined by seven serpents and in each of the squirming serpents' mouths hold a jewel of a different color. Its grip has a transparent quality like crystal and emits a bluish white light. She reached out her hand and watched as the staff floated down to her she felt the immense power the staff gave and felt immense hope in finally ending this acursed war once and for all. As she grabbed the relic she quickly left the temple and made sure to quickly head back to plympus and show her family.

[Quick Note the emoji are to show which god is talking and im sure you which it is based around the emoji.]

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