Chapter 3

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Mount Olympus was abuzz with activity as the gods, godesses, and entities were busy with preparing themsleves for the last battle between them and the Giants. The various deities watched with rapt attention as the entities used their abilities befor them. They watch As the green entity known as neophytos created beautiful and wonderous plant life as countless flowers and tree grew and were amazed from the amount of power which the plants contains as they were made to create a powerful barrier which would protect Mount Olympus from any attack from the giants. Their gaze soon turned towards the blue entity known as Arnav control water with precision which even Poseidon could not match. They watched as he  brought large amounts of of water to Olympus as he created the various rivers and springs which would produce powerful healing and cleansing waters which would assist the gods in recovering from various wounds that they might acquire from the war. The gods soon turned their attention to final entity and the only female of the trio named Addax. They watched with baited breaths as she creates various powerful creatures each of them containing an immense amount which even rivalled the gods in terms of pure power. These creatures would act as the main defenders of mount Olympus.

The Gods soon returned to their tasked of preparing themselves for the final battle between the giants. Their morale began to grow as they recalled the powerful allies they had to assist them in finally putting and end to accursed war between them and the giants.  Soon Zeus called everyone to gather around him to dicuss the preparation for the battle with the Giants. He turned towards the entities and said ⚡"have you finished tour preparations for the giants"⚡. The entities nodded their heads and soon began to explain of what preparations they down to ensure the Gods victory over the giants. First began Neophytos who said 🌺" i have create various mystical plants which will create a powerful barrier that will protect Mount Olympus and will also heal any injuries you gods might sustain during battle"🌺. The second to speak was Arnav Who said 🐳 " I have brought countless rivers and streams that are filled with powerful mystical water which will any injury and revive any one"who dies as long as there body is intact"🐳. And finally  Addax anounced 🐅" i have created countless creature's who will act as the main guardians of Olympus so that any threat that tires to come will be attack by powerful beasts"🐅. 

As all the preparations were now complete the gods noticed that the entities were now leaving. Of course Zeus called out towards them and asked why they were leaving when they promised the Gods that they will help them. The entites answered saying that there work was done and that they helped them plenty. When Zeus asked why won't assist them during the actual battle between the Giants they said 🦏🐋🌸"that by the order of lord Chaos we are not allowed to aid you in the battle between the Giant's only to aid you in preparing for them as lord Chaos commanded us to never intervene with your Destinies but will allow you to possess the relic to call us when you truly need us"🌸🐋🦏. The Gods watched as they dissapeared likely returning back to the reverse side of the world. 

(P.S. Sorry my dear readers i have been stuck with a deadly disease called writer's block and i have been busy with both school and work i am completely sorry for the weight of chapter 3.)

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