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Long ago before the birth of the world there was only the void . And from the void came chaos who created the first primordial deities they were Gaia, Tartarus, Hemera, Pontus, Erebus, Aether, Uranus, Chronos and Nyx.
From the union of Gaia and Uranus came the Titans, Hecatoncheires, and Cyclops. When Cronus dethroned his father Uranus . Gaea along with Pontus birth powerful entities who personified powerful concepts. From Gaea came two entities the red who personified all bestial life and the green who personified all plant life. Pontus birth the blue who personified all the water and aquatic life. Gaea and Pontus decided to name their unexpected children. The red who was the only female who was the oldest  was named Addax . The second oldest was the green who was named Neophytos and the third wast the blue who was named Arnav. Gaea and Pontus loved their children greatly and presented them in front of Chaos and asked him what should they do. Chaos said "that they are destined to watch over the reverse side of the world and maintain the balance of the natural world". So Chaos created a powerful relic that would call them before who ever used the relic. During the war between the Titan's and God's Gaea knew that some of her children who didn't wish to participate in the war and was scared that they would be caught in the crossfire of the war. So she called her children to an isolated island hidden away from eye's of the God's and Titan's and and told them that she knew of a place were they would safe from ravages of this war. So she used the relic to call the three entities appear before them. When the three entities appear before Gaea and the astonished titan's and greeted the primordial.Gaea greeted them with a warm smile and introduced them before the titans. The titans were astonished to see them so Rhea step forward and asked her mother how that they never knew of them. Gaea said that she was ordered to not reveal them by Chaos until they were needed. Gaea pleaded to the entities that they give the titan's that were with her sanctuary in the reverse side of the world. They agreed but only on two conditions that they must agree in order to stay in their home. The conditions were that they must leave the reverse side of the world for a duration of ten years and that they must not reveal any knowledge about the reverse side of the world to anyone. The Titan's agreed to the conditions and where brought into the entities home for the duration of the titanomachy. The relic was soon hidden away in a temple of Gaea so that no one would find it.

This is the picture of the relic
(Don't actually own the picture)

Name:The staff of the entitiesUse: To call fort the entites from the reverse side of the world

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The staff of the entities
Use: To call fort the entites from the reverse side of the world . The wielder can use bits of the entities power when using the staff.

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