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~Y/n's POV~

"Charlie I swear to merlin if you ever put me on a dragon again I'll hex you myself!" I cried out in pain yelling at one of the oldest Weasley's. The next time he wants to me to get on a dragon he could at least tell me he wanted to them to battle, instead he forgot to mention it and because of that the bone in my forearm is now shattered into pieces! Damnit Weasley! "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't know I thought you assumed we were going to battle dragons." I gave him the best death glare I could muster up while in excruciating pain, as we entered his household and the rest of the family siting at the table until my best friend decides to yell at Charlie.

      "WHAT DID YOU BLOODY DO TO HER?! HER FOREARM IS SHATTERED WHY I SHOU-" he took out his wand and held it to Charlie's neck while Charlie still held me not backing down to his little brother. "Percy I'm fi-OW fine I just need Molly to fix it OW maybe like now!" Tears escaped my eyes that I had apparently been holding back. "She and dad went to take Ginny and Ron to the outlets. It's like Diagon Alley." Fred said getting up inspecting my arm, George followed suit and started to inspect my arm as well "y/n you have to get this fix we can't pull pranks with you." George started tearing up while fred pat him on the back, both of them running upstairs so no one would know they were crying.

"Bill can fix it, he's the oldest and a curse breaker he can do it OWWW!" "Y/n what happened?!" The look he was giving me was filled with worry, concern, and sadness, he took my arm and inspected it like the twins did, eventually digging his wand out of his pocket. He kissed my cheek....that's when I felt it the heat growing between my legs, the need overtaking my body, I need Bill Weasley so badly. "This is going to hurt I'm sorry little one, but you'll be in a cast for 2 weeks. It'll be healed though, do you trust me?" Once again my needs overtook my body flooding me with detailed thoughts about him railing me right here and right now asking me if I trust him to blindfold me, while his muscular and veiny hands were around my neck.

      "Y/n do you trust me? The more I wait the worse it'll get." Bill snapped me out of my thoughts...
wishing he didn't I reluctantly replied to him. "Yes I do now get it over with." Giving me another quick kiss on the cheek with an apologetic look was enough to get me to go through with this. I was still holding on to Charlie my grip started to tighten as Bill mended the bones "AHHHH!" I started screaming out in pain, this was like getting nails and banging them into your bone with hammer.

      "I know darling I'm sorry." I saw a couple tears escape his eyes as one of his hands found their way to my cheek stroking it softly as I still gripped to Charlie. "Holy hell y/n how is your grip this strong?" Charlie let out a faint whimper because I was violently crushing his arm but before I could answer "AHHHH BLOODY HELL" "I know I know it's almost done little one it's ok it's ok" Bill looked up flashing me a smile through his tear filled eyes. Yeah I was in love with Bill Weasley when I realized he was hurt deep down just because of my arm.

       After about 5 more minutes of excruciating pain my bones were mended together but wrapped in a cast. I was too busy staring at Bill's hands to realize he was done wrapping and I could do whatever I pleased now. Those hands were so long, veiny, and smooth. I couldn't get them out of my hand I wanted those hands inside me, roaming my body, around my neck. Everywhere. "Y/n darling you can stop staring at my hands. You're all done you can do whatever you want now." Once again Bill snapped me out of my powerful thoughts of him oblivious to the fact I was biting my lips so hard it bled, while my thighs turned white from clenching so tight.

      "I wasn't staring shut it Weasley." I tried snapping at him instantly regretting the tone I chose to use at him. He was taken aback but seemed prepared for me to use that tone because the bastard smirked...he fucking smirked. "What are you smirking at huh?" I used the tone once more trying to hold down the fact he can practically get me on my knees right here right now. "It's just hot how you get aroused by my hands darling." It was my turn to be taken aback from his words. "Keep dreaming Weasley I only date men who have 8 or more inches on them. The twins would suffice more than you." It was also my turn to smirk at him when those words left my mouth.  I really just went into a dangerous territory but it was completely worth the risk. What's life like without a little risk?

      His smirk dropped from his face but his eyes turned dark. Lust. "Good thing I have 10 then right? I suppose it doesn't matter as much though seeing as I don't deal with brats. I tame them." That's when I felt all my blood rush to my cheeks but my confidence still high and mighty. "Is that an offer or are you trying to brag about something you can't do?" Again the dangerous territory. I mentally kicked myself for letting that fall from my lips but I might as well say it just to get the reaction out of him. Most of Bill's reactions were hot, when I insulted him or "talked back" he'd lick his lips then start smirking or he'd bite his lip while staring directly at me. "You want me to show you what I can do darling? I can guarantee you can't handle it. I bet you can't even take 5 inches inside that pretty mouth of yours let alone your soaked core." I was done for just listening to his words but the smartass in me once again kicked in. "Oh I can do way more than handle it I'll own it. My mouth can fit all 10 and so can my soaked core." That was it. I challenged him when I shouldn't have. It all started because of his hands. I made a note to just SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP next time. Hopefully I'll listen to myself.

It Started With The Romania Trip (Bill Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now