1)Uptight Summer

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~Y/n's POV~

I can't wait to see Charlie in Romania! He just graduated and broke my heart when he left, but I was so unbelievably proud of him for following what he wants. "BLOODY HELL YOU TWATS SHOULD HAVE PACKED LAST NIGHT!" I heard my best friend yell at his younger brothers. I sat at the table watching a very angry Percy come downstairs for coffee, I looked at Bill chuckling and shaking his head at his younger brother. My heart fluttered watching him smile, his laugh made my stomach twist, merlin he was perfect but I'm sure he has other girls lined up for him as he always had.

      "Good morning brat!" Percy called out while walking over to me, giving me a hug and a cup of coffee, I noticed Bill's jaw clenching I was curious as to what bothered him but decided to just leave it be. "I hear Charlie's got an amazing present for you y/n, he can't wait to give it to you." I felt heat rush to my face, the last time Charlie gave me a present was when he gave me a beautiful amethyst crystal necklace before he left for Romania, which I wore everyday and never took it off. "Oh merlin this time he'll give me a dragon as a pet." I laughed at my own response earning laughs from Bill and the uptight Weasley himself. "Alright everyone's packed let's go!!" Molly sweetly said waving her arms around like a maniac and we left.

       We've been here for a day and Percy has been yelling at everyone to keep their stuff together so they don't lose anything. I was sitting at the table with Charlie playing wizards chess when I heard it, I made a mental note to remind Percy when Bill's asleep. "MERLIN PERCY JUST SHUT IT FOR 5 MINUTES!" Bill yelled, he said groggily rubbing his eyes coming downstairs. Merlin he was gorgeous when he woke up in the morning, his hair a mess he slouched a tad due to the tiredness and grabbed a cup of coffee, when I saw it. The thing that drives me the most crazy with guys was their hands and the grip they had, I stared at his hands for what seems like forever just admiring the veins running up and how they pop out when pressure was applied or moved a certain way

      "Merlin those hands need to be around my throat." Charlie spit out his coffee and stared widely at me, bewildered by what I said "that's what it is! It's hands isn't it?" I just then realized that I happen to say that aloud both of them hearing my thoughts. I looked between the two eldest Weasley, my cheeks turning a dark shade of red I got up and walked upstairs to Percy, knowing they wouldn't try to get near me since he's in a bad mood.

       ~Bill's POV~

      "Y/n wait!" I tried to yell before she ran back upstairs to Percy, if I walked up there now he'd certainly throw something at me for yelling at him. My heart pounded in my chest when I heard those words coming from her mouth, I couldn't get them out of my head. 'Merlin those hands need to be around my throat' she was sexy, I'll give her that. Although she was a little young I wouldn't mind it. My hands tightened around my coffee mug when I realized my pants were also tightening. "You know mate she was talking about you when she said those words" my younger brother said to me. "I know but if I put my hands around her neck I'm afraid I won't stop." I honestly said to him not really caring who's around to hear it.

      Charlie uttered something under his breath while looking back down at the chess game she left, but she came back down after 10 minutes more relaxed. I wonder what made her more-she did not use a dildo while she's in a house filled with guys. "If she asked me I would've just fucked her instead." I angrily muttered out oblivious to the fact I said it aloud. "Well next time tell me that before I get horny cause of your hands and use a dildo." Charlie again spit out his coffee again and my pants grew tighter and tighter the more she spoke. "you weren't suppose to hear him say that!" He whisper yells while making another move. Then I saw her beautiful blue eyes flicker red, I loved her changing eye color. "Zugswang" she said aloud, what the hell did that mean? I gave her a questioning look while Charlie sat in defeat must knowing what it means. "It's a point in a game where a player knows that he'll inevitably be checkmated." She looked up smiling at me, her smile made my pants tighten again.

      Then I saw the flicker in her eyes again, one was red and the other was blue, those beautiful eyes were staring at my hands placed around my coffee mug, she's attracted my hands...I can use that. I smirked tightening my grip around my mug then setting it down, walking around the table and right before I passed her I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I bet you wish that mug was you darling." That's when I knew I had her, I saw her thighs tighten together and the hand around her mug tighten while her eyes went wide and knuckles grew white. I walked away smirking to myself as I walked upstairs to see what the twins were doing. I have her where I want her.

     ~Y/n's POV~

"Come onnnn y/nnnn let's go play on the dragons!!" Charlie begged me for hours to play on the dragons but because I was worried I'd get hurt I tried to avoid him. I knew he wouldn't get hurt, he trains them and owns them, I just tried to stay away from them scared they'd burn me to death or something. "Charlieeee nooooo" I said like a little kid would, I really did miss him but I'd rather just play another game of wizards chess. That dream to play another game soon ended when Charlie threw me over his shoulder running downstairs, everyone staring at the sight I tried to cover my face as he ran out yelling "we'll be back later!!" And he continued to run until he got to his dragon he wanted.

       ~Bill's POV~

      My heart started to beat rapidly as I witnessed my younger brother carrying out y/n over his shoulder, I could feel everything start to boil and I suddenly grew very hot and bothered. Jealousy coursing through my veins like ice. I hated the fact that my two younger brothers were always around her, I assumed Charlie is in love with the damn girl but I wanted her. I want to take her out on dates, help with her Auror training, fuck her until I break her but I can't with my idiot brothers around. "Mum I'll be upstairs I have to fill out some paperwork for the ministry." I lied but seeing as I've been lying for years she believed me while everyone stayed downstairs with her.

      As soon as I got upstairs I ran to the bathroom turning on the shower and slipped in. I couldn't stop thinking about her and this problem had to go away. Now. But it just wouldn't subside. I thought about her lips, pink and plump even when pulled into a smile...around my dick would be lovely....damnit i turn every nice thought of her into a sexual thing. Her curves and how her boobs stick out in almost anything...Merlin if she were riding me they'd be bouncing in my face....I just now realized I was stroking myself adding pleasure to the painful thoughts I had about y/n. I just wanted to overstimulate her, make her scream, beg, she'd look gorgeous on her..."Merlin thank you" I whispered out of breath thankful that I was able to diffuse the problem I'd been having for so long today. I have to get her alone...I have to show Percy and Charlie she belongs to me. Well she doesn't but she will...I have a plan.

It Started With The Romania Trip (Bill Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now