3)Challenge Accepted

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      ~Y/n's POV~

       As always I can never shut the bloody hell up..."Oh the little one wants to play with the big boy of the family? Oh darling I don't think you can handle me" Bill muttered taking big steps towards my small frame. Grabbing my chin roughly forcing me to look into his hazel eyes I started to stare profoundly losing myself in his gaze "Staring at me again baby?" he whispered getting closer to my lips, so close that if I even flinch our lips would smash against each other. I felt myself lift off of the ground while most of my blood rushed to my head as I took in what just happened, finally realizing Bill grabbed my thighs swinging me over his shoulder with no effort involved bringing me up to one of the guest bedrooms Percy and I share while the rest of the Weasley's stayed in a cabin besides Bill sharing Charlie's room. I laughed as I realized my vision was starting to blur from the blood rush. "Bill...can you put me down please my vision is starting to blur." whispering since it was the only words I can form. "Of course little one." he laughed setting me down on the bed Percy and I share considering the sleep problems I've had since the 2 eldest Weasley's left Hogwarts. My legs grew weak at Bill's pet name for me 'little one' it made me feel small compared to him, although I was it made me feel like he was always there to protect me. 

      Bill came closer to me as my heart pumped trying to keep up with the anxiety coursing through my veins he slowly put his hands on my cheek rubbing it just slightly, sliding his other hand down my body sending shivers down my spine as he added pressure to push me back into the mattress. Bill slowly crawled on top of me as his hair hung down from his face, he was beautiful his red locks shaping around his face as his eyes turned dark of lust, taking over his body completely. I slowly slid my hand back and forth on his biceps which were decently large considering where he works as well as the job he has, as my other hand went to go trail down his chest one of his hands wrapped tightly around my wrist giving me the most intense stare as this bastard started the smirk his usual smirk when teasing me. "You don't touch anything except my arms unless you ask permission, or I tell you too. Do you understand?" His voice was deep, dark, almost sinister, he was deeply controlling...maybe he will tame me but everyone who's tried has failed. He'll fail at taming me guaranteed, "Yes." I said extremely breathy scolding myself for sounding like I was backing down to him. The perfect bastard smirked once again seeing me whimper and squirm in front of him backing down to him, control freak he loved to be in control...of course he does. 

      Bill suddenly stood up from leaning over me looking me dead in the eye doing his signature smirk and walked out. I sat there bewildered by what this bastard just did to me, he's teasing me and I absolutely hate to be teased especially by the infamous Bill Weasley. I slowly stood up while my heart thumped so loudly that you would think the whole house can hear my heart beating rapidly as I tried to catch my breath. I have to admit he was sexy...I'd let him fuck me anytime and anywhere but being the person I am I had to keep my reputation and attitude up. I got up walking down the stairs slowly being as my knees started to shake from the friction I so desperately craved from Bill. "Y/n! You wanna go ride dragons? Actually ride them this time I promise." Charlie questioned me as I strutted over to Bill to grab a bottle of water from the fridge deeply thinking about my answer to Charlie considering my arm was broken but deciding to go against what I know Bill would tell me. "Yeah bring the firewhiskey as well I feel like having a drink." I muttered quietly hoping Bill wouldn't overhear. I grabbed by converse by the door throwing them on grabbing one of Percy's sweater that was on Charlie's jacket rack. "Where do you think you're going?" Percy questioned me looking as he's about to hex me into tomorrow turning on my heels ready to run out Bill piped up "she thinks she's going to ride dragons and drink firewhiskey with Charlie, little does she know she's not going anywhere." He strode towards me grabbing my wrist that wasn't locked in a cast dragging me to the table once more.

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