Thirty Nine

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"This whole time." Harry whispered, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in. His eyes were downcast, hurt and betrayal evident in his expression. I wanted to cry but forced myself not to, there had been enough of that.

"Harry," I began, not knowing what to say, I knew it was far fetched, but I was hoping, praying that Harry wouldn't be too upset, I needed him more than anything, it was selfish of me, I know, but I really needed him.

"No," He shook his head, his actions mirroring that of Zayn and I felt my heart plummet. "This whole time." He repeated as if he still couldn't believe it. "I can barely understand why you didn't tell Zayn but me? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, clearly hurt. My mouth opened and closed but no words came out. He was right, why hadn't I told him? I didn't know and it's not like it mattered now anyway, the damage had already been done.

"Look, Harry, I know I messed up big time and I'm not expecting any of you to forgive me but I need y-"

"You need what Olivia?" His voice filled with so much venom and anger seeping into his usually calm expression. "You need me to be here for you?" He spat and I couldn't even argue because that's exactly what I wanted to say. "Now Zayn's gone you run to me." He laughed humorlessly and I shook my head vehemently, I needed his support as a friend and nothing else.

"No, that's not what I mean."

"It doesn't matter what you mean, Olivia. There's only one person who needs my support right now and that is my best friend. You know, the guy whose parents got murdered by your psycho ex." I frowned, not appreciating his tone because he made it sound as if I had been with Luca for the sole purpose of hurting Zayn.

"Harry, that's not fair to say. I know I've fucked up, big time, but that is not fair to say when you know what he's done to me." I argued weakly, voice cracking with emotion. Harry's stern gaze faltered and he ran a frustrated hand over his face.

"Olivia, I was there when it happened. I was there when Luca, merely a teenager then, played with the lives of two wonderful people. I was there when he laughed while the bullets killed Zayn's parents. I was there through all of Zayn's panic attacks and bouts of anger, I was there when his uncle was killed, I was there for all of it. They weren't my parents and yet I feel so much hatred for that man as if they were. Fine, you had no control over what happened, I can understand that. But, you chose to lie to Zayn's face even when he asked if you had any affiliation with the Barlettas, how could you even do that, knowing what he did to Zayn? What he did to Aaliyah?" Harry shook his head as if he didn't want to hear any of this anymore, as if he was done with it all.

"Harry," I called desperately, catching up with him as he made his way to the door. "Harry please."

"No, Olivia, this, this isn't something that I can just look over. Zayn needs time, I need time and I need to be there for my best friend." Was all he said before walking out the door, my knees buckled and fell to the floor in sobs once I heard the front door slam, marking the second person to walk out of my life.

It was much later when I was awakened by a wetness on my cheek and a sudden pain in my back as I got up from my uncomfortable position on the floor. Arie had his tongue out, tail wagging excitedly as he looked up at me. I ran a hand through his fur, letting out a choked sob. Though the dog lived in the same household as me, with everything that had been happening these last few months I had been so oblivious to its existence. Arie reminded me of my walk through the forest which lead my first real encounter with Zayn Malik, a memory that felt like it took place years ago but had only happened not even a year ago. Tears trickled down my cheek at the thought of never getting to see Zayn again, never getting to kiss him or see him laugh, or hear him say his stupid jokes that he only like to make with me. All this, and he was only a few meters away, so close yet so far. I wanted to grab my coat and go to him, tell him that I was sorry and didn't mean for any of this. And then he'd forgive me and tell me everything was alright, that he would protect me. I'd be naive to believe in that fantasy, Zayn was never going to speak to me again, at least not any time soon, and I couldn't blame him. Besides, from what I knew, he was yet to return from Amsterdam. My phone rang, distracting me from my thoughts, forcing me to get up and walk, rather lethargically, to retrieve my phone and answer the call.

"Hello?" I spoke in to the phone, only to be met with heart wrenching sobs.

"Olivia? What's going on? Zayn said I wasn't ever allowed to see you again and he said he would send me to boarding school if I ever came to your house." She cried and I felt my heart tighten with pain. Granted,I deserved his mistrust, however, this was a bit extreme. Then again, Luca had killed,sorry, murdered his parents and if I was in his position I'd go to the extreme to protect my remaining family as well.

"Liyah, Liyah, just, listen to your brother ok? He knows what's best for you." I answered softly, not knowing what else to say the girl because as far as I knew, she knew nothing about her parents and Luca and I'd be damned if I was going to be the one to break it to her.

"But, but why? I love you, I don't want to not see you. It's not fair! Is it because you broke up or something? Because, I love Zayn but that has nothing to do with me!"

"Yeah, well it's something a bit more complicated than a break up, but, please, please just listen your brother. It'll all be alright soon, just listen to him, it's for the best." I hated lying to her, things probably weren't going to be alright but she didn't need to know that.

"But, but-"

"Look, Liyah, I love you too, so fucking much as if you were my own sister. Do you trust me?" She sniffled, a soft yes to be heard. "Then believe me when I say, this is the best thing for now. You might not understand now, but one day you will and you'll know this was in fact for the best. Just, trust me on and that and believe me when I say, everything will be alright." There was some sniffling and soft whimpers that broke my heart to pieces before eventually she spoke again.

"Ok, Liv, I'm going to miss you and all I can I say is that I love you and I hope whatever problem there is soon gets solved so I get to see you again soon."

"Yeah, hopefully. Goodbye Aaliyah." I whispered before she ended the call, making her the third person I had lost in the short span of twenty- four hours.

A/N: Short filler chapter but there's still  a lot of drama to come! Also, there might be another update coming later today so stay on the look out! Remember to vote and comment, love y'all and STREAM NOBODY IS LISTENING!

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