I have the blade

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Sorry for the long wait I tried writing this one faster than the last one!
Hybrid au

Same ages as last chapter
This was before the final fight (I still can't get over the final fight I still have chills I kid u not)

No ones  POV
Tommy and Tubbo were walking down the prime path doing what best friends do you know? Classic Tommy was yelling when they were supposed to be quiet. They didn't have any armor on sense it was what Wilbur taught them, they still had it in their inventory just in case.

Tommy's POV
"Tubbo stop being so clingy God your being so annoying." "TOmmY your literally grabbing my arm! anyways it's getting late out we should head back." Tubbo whisper yelled. "YOu StUPID-" I was cut off did I hear one of my discs? Which one was it? "Tubbo am I going crazy or are you hearing the same thing?" I whispered. No time for an answer as I ran to where the sound came from.

Wait Dream...?

No ones POV/ a bit of Tommy's POV
The anger in Tommy started to rise as he watched Dream stare at the two. It seemed as he was mocking them. Tubbo was scared seeing as he was in full netherite armor and them having a mixture of diamond, netherite, and iron. Tommy was pi**ed like never before. As he went to take a swing at Dream..bad idea

(I can't write fight scenes I'm so sorry but I'll try)

Dream blocked with his shield as he took a swing at Tommy. Tommy tried to block with his shield but it broke..? Sh*t.
Tubbo came in and took a swing with his sword at Dream. Though Dream fire with his crossbow while blocking the attack from Tommy. It was hard to see when it was so dark outside.

Tommy was knocked to the ground. Did some of his armor break? Where is tubbo? Is he okay?

Tubbo ran to tried to run for help. Dream is always steps and steps ahead. Tubbo was shot by a crossbow it didn't hurt him much sense that's what armor is for but Tommy didn't see this.

Tommy quickly shot up and took a shot at Dream. He got a hit on Dream but victory was cut short as Dream put a firework in his crossbow and fired. Tommy had direct impact while shielding tubbo that was still on the floor. Doesn't this seem familiar?

Dream was laughing.. like the maniac he is. He hurt all of us he is trying to manipulate all of us.......... NO
Dream was shoved to the ground and shot with a crossbow and then after was followed by a couple of swings from a sword. Tommy let it all out as he kept hitting and hitting and hitting all he could. Tubbo got up and  did the same. Why was Dream not reacting was it this easy?

Dream drank a strength potion as well as a gapple and charged them. He went after tubbo first sense he was so called the "weak." Tommy tried getting Dream off but his sword was knocked out of his hands. "TUBBO"

Tommy was then hit with a crossbow loaded with a firework. His was broken next hit was it... was this it for tommyinnit?...tubbo was also on the ground he seemed alive but where was help when they needed it. Until they heard an enderpearl. "TOMMY?!"

Techno was here he enderpearled and was now attacking the green b**t*rd. Dream was gone did he run? Coward. Wait what about techno?

Tommy opened his eyes as he saw techno over him. "Techno you came!" Tommy said as his voice seemed scratched/ raspy. "Tommy we will talk about it later now we need to go to Phil." Techno said quickly. "Wait where's tubbo?" Tommy tried to say. "Tommy, tubbo was taken by Ranboo he is going back to lmanburg." Techno whispered. "Now let's go to Phil."

They we're soon teleported by the little machine techno and Phil made. (Forgot what it's called I'm sorry)

Phil was outside waiting for them with medical supplies. Tommy noticed the pain he was in just after. Tommy's red-ish tail seemed to be in great pain as it hasn't moved in awhile. Phil immediately but his wings around them as he was bandaging his wounds. Techno was on edge the whole time still furious at the green man. Though no emotion showed through.

Techno was more softer with his brothers and father than anyone else. Techno seemed more worried than anything as he called Wilbur and told him about the situation. Wilbur was out with niki sense they wanted to go out with other friends too. This certainly wasn't good at all but Tommy needed him.

Tommy was all bandaged up and was now sitting on the couch with while. Techno sat next to him while Phil was on the other side of him. Phil wrapped his wings around techno and Tommy as they all cuddled with each other. (As a family not anything else you weirdos.)

There is no way Dream is getting out of this one alive


I'm sorry this seemed so boring I tried getting a chapter out! I still take requests all the time so always feel free too as well! I also suck at writing fight scenes so sorry it seemed so trashy. Nvm is was trashy but I hoped
you found somewhat of entertainment!

I'll see you next chapter have a nice day/afternoon/night you lovely person! I didn't spell check this sorry about misspelled words and things that don't make sense.!

//950 words//

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